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Answer those challenge howls

Started by Bob D, February 11, 2008, 04:55:06 PM

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Bob D

We set up on the edge of a wood lot overlooking a pasture bottom with a wood lot on the other side . Started off with  two lonesome howls with the Brad H howler . Immediately I was answered with challenge barks and howls. I answered back with the same sounds. After 3-4 exchanges I turned on the FoxPro and played a round of lone howls  (000) from the Hunting in the East sound library . I got an immediate answer from the coyote. I went to the (001)  Hunting in the East  sound library ,lone howls and got my answer right back. Man this dog is p--sed . I hit the male challenge on the e caller. Right back at me was the reply. So I switch to the coyote pup distress and let it play away. I figured this would get that aggressive male coyote to show his face. Well , here it comes into the bottom from the wood lot on the other side. It heads straight for the caller which is set up behind my hunting partner and it immediately switches ends and starts heading out. I don't know if it didn't like the decoy or saw my partner . Figured I better get on it if we were gonna do any good. Hit it with the first shot and it started spinning and finished it off with another round from the ar 15. I was really surprised to see that this bad az dominate male was actually a female. Now that was fun !!!!!!!!!


Cool!! I'm stll waiting for my 1st coyote to show up in that mood with it's hair raised & posturing!!  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Cool congrads Bob! Glad to hear the sounds are working good for you as well! :biggrin:

Can I steal that picture?


Randy Roede

Bob as you go you will see that coyote vocalizations, male or female sounds are never 100 percent, physical size, posturing, agressive or passive you'll see it change from male to female. The deepness or highness in a howl means nothing for sure, the attitude of the vocalization says way more. Your knowledge of what existing coyotes are in the area is far more important than many callers realize.

Is it possible this late in the season the older adult male may have been called and killed in this area, and an older female may have got hooked up with a younger timid
male or is alone. The agressive male is usually the first to fall in the calling season.


Bob D, you done good :yoyo:

I usually always answer a challenge with one back.

Randy that is a good post and agree.


Bob D

My hunting partner for that day had previously killed a male and female from the same area , so your theory is probably correct about the female. Good call !!


Nice job Bob

Hey I made a rhyme again :biggrin:

Your getting too good at this, working em like that, you snake in the grass  :wink:
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Congrats Bob  :yoyo:  I love this time of year for calling, gettin into shouting matches with coyotes and pissin em off to the point of an approach to run ya off is far more exciting to me than distress stands. Although there fun too  :biggrin:


Brad H

Nice job Bob.

Two or three times it's turned out to be a female all hell bent to come in and kick ass in my experience. Always something different.



Foxpro Staff Infection Free


What a cool story.  A female ya say. :wo:  Not too surprising ... I've known a few dominate, challenging females in my time.  :innocentwhistle:     :laf: