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Ideas on setup for this area

Started by erickrschaefer, March 08, 2008, 04:33:18 PM

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My name is Erick and I am a frustrated coyote hunter in Maine. First off let me say hi and give you some info on my gear and hunting area. I hunt alone with mouth calls in the thick woods and swamps of Maine. This winter is my first real serious attempt at calling coyotes  and so far I have called in a total of 8 coyotes and one bobcat with out any shots. Of those eight coyotes only 2 have been seen and those were at about 20 yards unfortunately as I moved to get the shotgun on them they disappeared into the thick stuff. The others all came in and circled downwind and the only way I knew they were there was by the tracks in the snow. The cat was seen as I stood up from my stand to leave, he was sitting about 40 yards away and I never knew he was there until I stood up.

The map below is typical of the areas I hunt. This particular area is entered from the S at the green blob and is about 1 mile in from the road. From the green start point to the edge of the bog is just about 1 mile.The red lines represent very faint overgrown logging roads that are traveled by the coyotes and cats. The wind is generally from the N or NW. The ridges are mixed growth with mainly beech and oak with some nice rock and ledge outcroppings .The low spots along the bog are pretty thick softwood swamps where the deer like to winter. McCabe mountain is extremely thick mixed growth while Spring is more open. The valley between the peaks is actually a cedar swamp. The black dots are areas I thought might make good stands. I am thinking the predators will approach along the old logging road as they come out of the thick stuff and am trying to use those steep edges to funnel them between the base of the ridge and the more open bog . I have not called this area yet and to the best of my knowledge no one has ever called here. How you guys would hunt this area? I know it is tough just looking at a map but any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

Bills Custom Calls

Welcome to the board Eric,and I understand your frustration.I have been busted on stand many times,and
I have yet to shoot a coyote
So it would be wrong for me to tell you how to hunt,other then keep the wind in your face,maybe get a decoy
to help take the attention from you.Get a hunting pard so one can call,and one can be a shooter  :shrug:
It does sound to me that you are picking good spots to hunt in though.

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Welcome to the forum.  I would think that THO Al could help you more in that terrain, and will be glad to do so.  Using tree stands will no doubt be to your advantage.  Setting up where the coyotes have easy, sneaky routes to come in is always a good idea, and it sounds like you already have that naturally.  Good hunting at ya!
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I like were the black arrows are. We usually setup close to a fork,  rise, or curve in the old road beds. We try to stay around 60 80 yards from the rise, fork, or curve. This gives them a place to come to checkup before circling down wind through the thick.



Carolina Coyote

I like what CCP was marking out there but not ever Hunted that area, I would choose the high ground to set up out on the points of the ridges, the old logging roads do make good runs for the Coyotes  and they like Deer will lay on the sunny side of the ridge when its cold. cc


Thanks to everyone who replied. I will post a follow up when I finally get in and give this area a try.


See if you can locate a satellite shot too. Use the "Maps" button from the menu up top the forums.
That'll make things a bit easier to identify. :wink:
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With the limited information available here.... I'll throw a couple basic concepts out there.

When working a call... coyotes love ice, and hate water.  Those rivers/slews/lakes will cause barriers in their comfort zones as they work into a stressful situation (calling stand).   With any given wind direction: keep in mind that you don't want to pinch an incoming coyote between you and some water.  It seems like a marvelous idea to pinch him down to a killable range with a control factor like water- but the fact is he OFTEN just won't commit.  Sometimes they will- but OFTEN they'll use better judgement and not trap themselves between a rock and a hard place.

From the topography shown, I see one place I'd be interested in scouting.  The area you labeled "Thick Softwoods" may be better hunting/bedding habitat than the steeper topography around it.  This MAY mean it's more likely to hold a daytime coyote.  On a grand scale, I'd approach the area as if I were calling coyotes FROM there and pull them S/SE.  I would scout big game trails for the highest content of predator sign... the roads may or may not be of any signifigance to the resident coyotes in their daily routine.  It's tempting to call roads because of the visibility, but it's frustrating when the coyotes use a heavily traveled deer trail 50 yards over the hill and bust you unseen.

Also: thermals would be a beyatch in that place.   Steep topography, water all around, could certainly create some CRAZY scent cones.   :doh2:


can't really help you but I have called for a couple days up in Maine. I just sat down in a pathway or old logging road and called with rabbit distress and all the coyotes I have called (3 or 4) came almost instant. It didn't matter day or night but I will tell you it was wicked cold!

I only shot once and hit a hemlock tree dead center and it was an inch around tops. The coyote walked off like nothing ever happened.

I couldn't do that again!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

Jimmie in Ky

Both ends of the roads point to a south facing slope in a hollow that would give protection fromn the cold winds in that region. CCP's bottom arrow would be my choice by what I see on your map. Jimmie