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Started by FinsnFur, May 07, 2008, 10:55:08 PM

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It's that time again.  :wink:

Looking to have a web site built, building one your self, or considering moving your current site to Fins and Fur Hosting?

Sign up between now and May 31st and you receive free hosting for the first six months. No hosting bills, no down payment, no nothing until November 08. If I build your site, the free six months starts when I complete your site.

This offer only good to Fins and Fur Forums members.

Sites built by me come with free lifetime, support, upgrades and maintenance.  You wont find that anywhere else :nono:
What that means is if you want pictures added, prices changed, content altered...or anything added or changed to your site, any time at all......I do it,  no charge for the life of your account with Fins and Fur Hosting.

Questions or references?..e-mail me at admin@finsandfurhosting.com or visit http://www.finsandfurhosting.com

:doh2: :holdon: Did I just spam the place?
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What I want to know is how in the heck I can make money doing it?


You must be referring to the affiliates banner Al.
Signing up for Hosting means having Fins and Fur host your site.
Signing up for Fins and Fur Hosting Affiliates, is a program like any other hosting company offers, where people get paid a certain amount of money for each client they refer, that actually signs up.

There two different things there  :wink:
Fins and Fur Web Hosting

   Custom built websites, commercial/personal
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I do not know much about either one I would just like to know how to make more money at this web site thing before going to all the trouble of web hosting and such.
I would like to link FNF to my site though if ya dont mind. I have some folks that ask me about it when I am talking about and I know they have my site on thier favorites. :wink:


Well you wouldn't be going into web hosting, at least I dont think you would. I'd be the web host, build your site, maintain your site, that sorta thing. That's the web host.

For example, right now Geocities is your webhost....for your website.
This thread was about folks hooking up with Fins and Fur Hosting, to have their sites either built , hosted, or both.
If your looking for some extra cash, you could just sign up on the Fins and Fur Hosting AFFILIATES which it looks like you did this morning.

There you can log in and under the Welcome is a yellow highlighted link that you would use on your site to refer people to Fins and Fur Hosting. Or click on Affiliate Tools and choose from one of the images and or banners, which come with the code ready to copy, paste, and insert into your site.
Anyone clicking the link and signing up for hosting, from the link on your site, will automatically be tracked back and you would be paid.

As far as regular links like to the forums and what not, you can grab what ever image you'd like to use for the link from http://www.finsandfur.net. Click on the linkable logos button, and put one on your site.

Fins and Fur Web Hosting

   Custom built websites, commercial/personal
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Bob D

Jim builds a heck of a good website and is darn good to work with. I know, he built mine and he is my host. I've had nothing but raving reviews from folks who have seen mine. Check it out for yourself, my link is builderbob.biz


Thanks Jim, And to you Bob, This is something that I have thought about for a long time but I just do not have a comfortable understanding of cost against gain.
I guess I will just have to go for it sometime and see how it goes.
Would this be a .com?
What kind of price range are we talking here?
is there a contract for a set lenghth of time?
I am full of questions and when I read up on it I can not really get a defined answer.


The .com part would be YOUR domain name. I do not sell domain names because the license right now for that is very very costly, and I refuse to justify that by jacking up my hosting prices.

BUT...to buy a domain name all you really do is dream up a name that's not being used and go buy it. I highly reccommend www.dynadot.com for the purchase because I know them and their software very well. I can coach you through every detail of the purchase. And I do it over the phone with you while your on their site.

You can even search or check to see if what you have in mind is available or not. They are part of the Internic which means if you buy a domain, the global database records it and no other registrar will be able to sell it again or duplicate it.
You dont have to use .com either, you can use almost anything and they will show you examples of such once you start poking around on their site.

The cost for a domain name will cost you 8.99 a year if you purchase it through Dynadot.com, and you can pay it once a year if you want. Or you can buy a domain name from someone else for $15.99 and get absolutely nothing more then you would with Dynadot.com

I have no affiliation with them what so ever, other then all the domains I ever bought myself went through them.

After that the only cost is for hosting. You have the domain name bought, now you need server space on the world wide web to publish your site to, hence...Fins and Fur Hosting  :biggrin:

Pricing is available at http://www.finsandfurhosting.com and the least it would cost you is $9.95 a month, which is discounted if paid annually.
There's no set up fees, no other costs of any kind, unless you want me to build your site. I charge $250 bucks flat, regardless of the size of the site or what you want on it. That price will never be beat :nono:

Fins and Fur Web Hosting

   Custom built websites, commercial/personal
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I hate to keep chewing on this Jim, but...........
How hard is it for me to build my own site and have you hosting?
I mean do I need software or is there someplace I go to and have a wizard walk me through?
Right now I use yahoo pagebuilder and I am very limited to what I can do and it is slow.
How would this way compare?


Keep chewin, I'm sure there are others wondering and benefiting from this.

You can definitely build your own site. I have several clients that build their own, and I never hear a word from them until they pay the monthly hosting bill.

What to build your site with really depends on how much html you might know. There are programs available that walk you through building your site off line and then allow you to upload it to your host, after entering a few protocols into the correct fields. Which one is the best?.......I can't answer that, again it depends on your level or experience. The only one I can thank of off hand is http://www.ezgenerator.com/ because I dont use any of them.
There is several different brands of site building software that comes with your Cpanel® in your hosting package, but they are pretty sophisticated for a beginner.

I do know that THO made one or both of his sites with some software he got online, and he did an awesome job. But he'd have to give us the name of it, I cant recall if he ever told me or not.
Fins and Fur Web Hosting

   Custom built websites, commercial/personal
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I had Jim help me with my site and the service is top notch...he even speaks english  for the most part :eyebrownod: The only thing I would do different if you aren't familira with building sites is have Jim do it for you. I spent countless hours on the phone with him when I did mine. It works and I can do what I want when I want (as soon as I get that FTP program again :doh2:) I just don't have thne time to update as often as I would like. I'm thinking I may have Jim rebuild my site and maintain it by the end of the year if call sales start taking off a bit more. $250 is a reasonable price and he can do everything pretty quick and will also look for any flaws...(bad links and such).

Good luck with your site.



I have had computer science 101 in collage(2007 old guy in school :roflmao:) and I taught windows basics for a company I worked for 8 years ago. I have always had the Internet ever since it started.
I ain't no brainiac but I can manage if I can get some tools to make it less time consuming.
I am interested in this web hosting thing......but :innocentwhistle:
How much more traffic would I get?
How easy would it be for someone to find my site on a search engine?
How do I notify folks who go to my site every day that I have moved?
Oh and I am still using dial up :sad:
You said to keep chewing :eyebrownod:


Thanks Coulter, I am convinced Jim will do me right I am just full of questions and worry I will step into something without knowing much about it first myself. The price is reasonable and I would love to do this with Jim I just do not know if I can do a good job with it or not. And With the economy around here.........is it worth it for me.


How much more traffic would I get?
Well, the traffic in time would seriously multiply when compared to what you have, because right now geocities is getting all your traffic, your site is simply a section or page of theirs. Kinda like finsandfur.net/forums, the forums is a section of Fins and Fur.
With your own domain name and your own site up on the web, the search engines crawl through and rank the site in their listing automatically based on keywords, and external links, making your site work it's way up the search engines and not geocities.

How easy would it be for someone to find my site on a search engine?
Again, this is something that takes time. It's actually based on time and hit ratios along with your keywords, external links and a plethora of other things. In Laymens terms, I like to say...give them a chance to get to find you and know you. (The search engines that is)
People find you by searching the keywords entered in your meta tag section of the sites html. If in your keywords you have words like book, pen, beer bottle, shoelace, redduck, and shish ka bob, but your site is about game calls...they will never find you. The trick is to use as many words that are in your sites content, that relate to what your site is about, in your keywords. Did that make sense?

How do I notify folks who go to my site every day that I have moved?
The best way would be to put a redirect on your old site so that anyone whom goes there, will automatically be transfered to your new site. Which means keeping the geocities account for a while afterwards, I'd say at least a year would be good. And then put a bulliten on the new site letting people know why they were transfered and to please either make note of it or bookmark the sites new address.

Oh and I am still using dial up
That doesn't matter, and wouldn't matter anymore then it does now with your site on geocities. Everything concerning connections and bandwidth is handled by the host.


Fins and Fur Web Hosting

   Custom built websites, commercial/personal
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Thanks Jim, you have given me a lot to think about just one more question though how do I sell commercial products as well as my own? Other companies products and such. IE videos and decoys that kind of thing.


If I build the site, I'll integrate a shopping cart which allows multiple vendors.
Basically sorting the money will be up to you, who gets what, that type of deal. But each product would have a vendor listed under it which would also be a link. When clicked, the viewer would read a brief run down of the company, and we could put a link on this vendor description also, to the vendors site.

Is that what you meant?
Fins and Fur Web Hosting

   Custom built websites, commercial/personal
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   Free site maintenance & updates



Yup, Thanks Jim you have helped a bunch, Now I have some wife convincing to do. :wink:


I highly recommend Jim for building/hosting a website.  I am extremely pleased with the way he built mine.  The man is a true professional.



THO Game Calls

The program I used to create both of my sites is call WebEasy Professional 7 by http://www.avanquest.com/USA/index.html

It is on the surface, a very easy program to use, but underneath there is a lot you can do with it.  You have to play around with the program and read the documentation to get the most out of it.   One of the best parts is you can download a trial version and use it for two weeks for free.  If you want to keep it it is 49.95

It also has some very good tutorials on HTML and CSS and other things to help you build a site.

It will never be as good as what someone like Jim can do, but you can build a passable site with it.

You asked about how much more traffic you will get to your site.

I think the answer is how much effort you want to put into advertising your site, along with having someone like Jim do the SEO - or Search Engine Optimization. 

But there is a lot you can do yourself to drive traffic to your site.   Posting your web address on boards where you are allowed to do so is a big help.  Getting something on U tube or MySpace might also be good.   

One of the best, in my mind anyway, places to advertise is E bay.  I know all the negatives about e bay, but the fact remains that more people visit E bay every day than do all of the predator hunting boards comined and probably doubled.   It's VERY cheap advertising. 

Some tricks you can use, when you post a call for sale, put your e mail address in the description  - I use Al@THOGameCalls.com   People are smart enough to take the Al@ out and go for the THOGameCalls.com to check out your site.  And it is perectly legal to do.  Also create a Me Page on E bay.  You can list a link to your site there and people WILL look at it.

Also when you send out a call, send a couple business cards with each call.  One or two of them will fall into the hands of someone who will visit your site, and if they buy a call and you send more cards someone else will visit and on and on.   

Good luck with your new site.  I hope it does well for you.

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