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Wild & western Kentucky yote hunt

Started by possumal, July 11, 2008, 06:36:40 AM

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You should still have five or six more days before those coyotes get into the "rotting" stage. Wait a week or two and then follow the stench, Al.
Grown up!?


"cronk coming here and trying to smooth things over makes me chuckle "

Smooth WHAT over?  Hyperwick and coyChicken.  What a cute pair of trolls. LOL
Foxpro Field staff


QuoteI may be old and fat, but I can still kick ass buddy.

Chuck 'Smurf' Norris?
Minaska Outdoors


ok......I've seen enough. This turning into nothing but absolute rubbish.  :iroll:

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Ok, who called in the special op's?

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Quote from: Rich on July 12, 2008, 06:15:49 PM
"Hey Al, check out huntmasters.....and the 12 coyotes thread innocentwhistle"

Yes Al, go check it out if you wish. J.D. suggested that I wasn't man enough to post my feelings  right here on a board that you frequent. My first thought were that this was a B.S. thread that was started as bait for old man Cronk. If I was right, your bait worked and here I am. I am still big as life and twice as mean. I am going to ask you straight out, right here, right now. Did you actually call 12 coyotes on one stand?  If you did, I will say congratulations you lucky dog.

Rich: Sure did, honest injun.  Beats my previous high of 11 on one stand. Just guessing a bit, but it appeared to be mom and pop, a couple of nannies from last year's litter, and 8 pups. No doubt it was a family group.  When I called in 9 several years back and then the 11 group a couple of years later, they were all full grown, making me believe they represented a pack. As I have posted before, I am convinced that coyotes in this area have gotten bigger to match the task at hand, and are packing up to take down bigger animals that a pair would have trouble with.  That evidently is not happening in all parts of the country, in view of what is posted here and elsewhere by experienced yote hunters, but it sure is happening in Kentucky.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Possumal, I thought you told me you had 18 coyotes come in one time?

Did they all come in the same pack or were they two different family groups? Just curious.
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Bopeye:  No 18 in my past, not even in a day's hunting.  I'd like to see 18 in a day in any order.  :laf:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Quote from: Semp on July 11, 2008, 02:25:53 PM
This ought to be good.  I got me a cold drink, :corn:  and my easy chair.   :biggrin:

BTW, nice hunt AL!


Yep, I got me a reload on the  :corn: , another cold drink, fluffed up my easy chair and ready for the next volley.   :wink:

Randy Roede

So I guess these would qualify as called in or called up?????


OMG!!!!! He's found coyote heaven!!!!! :yoyo:

Cool pic, whats the story? I can't really tell in the pic, are they pups?


hey guys, whats all the bullshit???  and whats with the spankin new guys talkin all this shit???  did you join this forum to share your pics and stories; or are you just here to stir the pot??
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.


I knew I liked him^^^^^^^^^^.............. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

:corn: :corn: :corn: :corn: Drink :corn: :corn:


Bushmaster,   Please define spankin new guy because I think could be one  too.


I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.


I didn't point that at you randy.  What inspired my comment was the hyperwrx guy.  2 comments of nothing but instigation is all he's got to show for.  And last i checked..... Thats is NOT what were about here. right or wrong?
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.


"What inspired my comment was the hyperwrx guy"

HyperTroll  is a Field staffer for a major electronic caller company.
Foxpro Field staff


????  go on.  I'm not sure tht i follow.
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.

Randy Roede

Prince those are pups 7 to be exact, both mom dad and all the youngins went to the big pasture in the sky!!!!!

Sorry about the late reply!



Nah, the guy was posting nonsense under an assumed name. He is now a Field staffer for Minaska, and is probably trying to be nice.  We all say things now and then which only serves to make things worse, and that includes me also. Minaska and FoxPro are the top two E caller companies now. I don't really care which brand of caller you use though. I have tested a couple of Minaska Bandits before their Big Country came out. They were great callers. I now test FoxPro callers, and they are very good also. You will soon see some really big news from FoxPro . It may be a month or less away,and it will knock some socks right off from the competition. The electronic technology is growing by leaps and bounds. The true leader of Game calls is about to reveal something big. Really big.  :innocentwhistle:
Foxpro Field staff