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First critter of the season...

Started by Coulter, August 26, 2008, 08:13:53 PM

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Well, I called in my first critter of the season tonight. I was actually sitting over a pond waiting to see if any geese would come in at last light. I decided it would be a good time to practice some lip squeaks and maybe a coon would respond. I did one sequence and nothing. I waited 4 - 5 minutes and gave it another whirl. A few moments after I ended the squeaks I heard a splash to the west of me. My eyes locked on to the area and a nice mink jumped up on a log. He saw me sitting there and disappeared just as quickly as he came, but it was good to find a spot to set some mink traps this season anyway.

So in the end I was scouting for geese, practicing for predator calling and ended up with some trapping turf :eyebrownod: It's all good :biggrin:



Yeah, it's all good.
I would give anything to set over a pond and watch for geese.....just for 5 minutes this week :madd:
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Sounds like the perfect evening Steve!!  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


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