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Calling how much?

Started by pitw, September 22, 2008, 09:28:16 PM

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When you guy's are calling do you call for a long time [1 minute or more]?  I've heard three fawn's, several rabbit's and some bird's in distress in the wild and none of them went very long.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Do you mean the actual series?
If I'm using hand calls, I like to call for 15 seconds wait for 15 seconds. I'll do that for maybe a minute and a half, then watch for 3 to 5 minutes.
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Most of the actual distress sounds I've heard outside are usually short.  So that is basically how I call, one short series [up to 20-25 seconds] then wait for 15 minutes and repeat.
I say what I think not think what I say.


I turn the e-caller on and just let it run.   Two coyotes and a bobcat came in at LBL doing it that way.    :shrug: 

Using hand calls I can see where that would not be practical unless ya was filled with hot air like Bopeye.   :roflmao:


pitw, I have a feeling you are going to get many different answers to your question.  :wo:
Personally, when mouth calling I like to vary the intervals between calling and watching as well as the intensity of pitch and volume in my calling sequences. I feel it sounds more natural this way (well, at least to me anyways ). :huh:
I often do the same thing when using an e/caller... sometimes it works  :yahoo: other times I'm just singing to the trees.  :innocentwhistle:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


The trick here is to try it all...then write down what works......remind us.....cause we forget. :confused:
:roflmao: :laf: :roflmao:


 Don't believe there is a right or wrong answer to this. Sometimes I let an E-caller run continually sometimes not. One thing for sure for me I don't like for a call whether it be hand calls or e-calls pause more than a full minute.

I think it's more of a personal preference than anything. I usually only worry  about the sounds once I see the coyote.



I have walked into a field edge and the crows would go nuts.......That in turn would get the yotes to howling......I guess they would think something good was going on and wanted to go see but next thing ya know there comming and no one has hit a call yet... :shrug:
Know one knows what works or why.
I told CCP a while back I used to trap a lot when I was young and" I caught a lot of Fox toes.......But I never caught a fox that was missing a toe"
I never understood how a fox got so trap smart so quick. :laf:
I guess to know how long to call would be up to that coyote that would start comming first and what kind of day he has had.
It is a lot like fishing in that you gotta have a tackle box and sometimes you got to try everything in it. Sometimes you just need to stick to what you have the most faith in. One thing for sure......You gotta be there when they are or you kill nothing. When are they there......Always, so go when you can and enjoy it while you can. :wink:


I shoot more than fifty coyotes a year and never do more than 1 minute of calling at any stand.  I have had coyotes come wandering in after 30 minutes of no calling.  So I was kinda wondering if some guy's over call and make them skiddish or if I could try longer sequences when nothing comes in.  As some of you know I have not and will not use an ecaller so I may have to take the boy's along for the long winded call.
I say what I think not think what I say.