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A Sunday afternoon hunt

Started by Yotehntr, September 29, 2008, 04:29:57 PM

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Went out Sunday afternoon for a evening hunt. Saw 2 cars at the entrance and figured there were 2 folks out deer hunting. Saw both withing 100 yds and figured I would be ok. Came up on a large field I've hunted before and was easing around the edge... full stealth mode ya know. Came up on a little break in the fence row (good spot to hunt from) being very careful to make no noise ducked under a branch to look for a place to sit. 10' away I hear "HI THERE"  :sick2: upon standing back up, him to he fell off his stool laughing. I apologized for walking in on his hunt, he was in a pretty good mood at that point and told me to sit down and try to call one in. He'd never coyote hunted before, well no luck but I think I'm going to have to get some of that leafy camo it works real good.
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


 :roflmao: :roflmao:
he says, "Full Stealth mode ya know"

That is funny.
Prolly made that guys day too know he was THAT well concealed too.  :wink:
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Good thing he saw you or he woulda craped himself to hear all tha squallin......... :laf:


 :laf: :laf: :laugh2:  Good stuff.
I bet he was havin fun watchin ya come in all "stealthy"  :laf:


QuoteI bet he was havin fun watchin ya come in all "stealthy"
:laf: :laf:

Yotehntr what kind of hunting was he doing??? Coyote? Deer?



Yeah I thought I was really putin the sneak on.  :laf:

He was bow hunting, (deer) he'd never done any coyote hunting. I think he was curious to watch me call... or just felt sorry for the poor sob he scared to death!  :roflmao:
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink: