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asleep at the pump house

Started by LBLDOG, September 28, 2008, 08:42:42 PM

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 I had a good set up this afternoon (sunday) .I had a pond behind me a partly open field  with some corn at hte endand a leavy and a corn field to my right. I set a turkey decoy out with some distress going because the land owner said he had 3 guinneys killed. I was leaning against a pumphouse over looking the field. I fell asleep after setting there a little over a hour and woke up with a coyote at the very end of the field at the edge of the corn , the yote lets out like a  soft moan and a few barks and out pops a little one. I could see them for a second and could tell they were looking at the turkey and was going to wait closer to dark. I didnt move a muscle and could barely make them out at the end of the field , they where in high weeds. I had my ar- 15 across my lap and wasnt going to move a muscle and this was at 4.30 .  I guess at least a hour or more passed by and I finally re-positioned my ar on my knee . The sun started going down over the trees and sure enough here they come a momma and a little one. I guess she was going to show the little guy how to hunt.  I clicked the safety off and was ready  and as she was coming in she bolted about 50 yards from my decoy over the leavy and was gone. I really didnt want to start praying and spraying as she run of f . I was afraid I would educate them and didnt want to do that. They had no I dea I was there they spooked on the decoy .  I will give it a few weeks and try a different approach and not use the turkey.  I kind of wished I would have shot ,but a part of me is glad I didnt . :yoyo:


Sounds like fun lbldog, bring a couple of energy drinks with ya next time. :biggrin: I think you done the right thing.

Bills Custom Calls

I have often found myself dozing off on stand also and wondered what it would be like to have a coyote sneak in
and wake ya up  :shck:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


That had to be like having a dream :wink: I woulda been in heaven and snapping pics if I could.
It's not hard to doze off, out there away from it all.
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We call them Nooners..I have woke up from those and killed some nice deer.....I have also woke up a Like 10PM with people looking for me :biggrin:

Carolina Coyote

Just don't make any setups in a tree stand. I fell out of a apple tree in my back yard a few weeks ago and made some apple sauce out of the apples laying on the ground. It Hurts.  :rolleye: cc


 :laf: :laf: :laf: :laf: :laf: :laf: You were lucky not to break anything


Quote from: alscalls on September 29, 2008, 04:59:57 PM
We call them Nooners..

:laf:  I haven't heard that term in awhile.  But the way I remember it a Nooner was when ya slipped home during lunch to visit the little lady......



thats how my 7 year old was born,worked afternoons at the time and the little lady came home for lunch :hahaha: :hahaha: now I work midnights. My second son he is 5 but it wasnt a nooner :hahaha:


Nooners  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
Had quite a  few of those at one time in my life!  :eyebrow: