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Its gonna be a good season...

Started by Coulter, September 27, 2008, 04:22:45 PM

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I've been waiting anxiously for the season to begin, trapping, calling, waterfowling, etc. I have had big plans for this season since I missed most all of last season. It just got even better today...I just got my bobcat permit in the mail today. I kind of gave up hope on a permit since I didn't see my name on any lists. I guess it's time to start reading up on some bobcat hunting tactics and put some of my calls to the test against some felines :eyebrow:

I can't wait to get out...but half the fun is just p[lanning the hunting excursions :biggrin:



 I can't wait either! :laf: Good luck on your kitty quest!


When do you guys open Steve, and have ya been out?
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Hey Jimbo,

We open up for trapping on the 19th, I won't lay any steel until the 27th though. I've been out feeding the wildlife (pre-baiting) for coon. The spots I've been laying bait out have been getting hit everytime I go out.

I have also been out getting permissions renewed and scouting the trapline.

We can hunt coyotes year around, but I generally wait until November 1. As far as the bobcat, they open for hunting on the 19th along with fox, etc. I can't get out to do any kitty hunting until December, they require some traveling away from home. I can't wait to get out some more.

Talk to ya later,


If you're a fur handler- and have coons hitting bait right now- it'll probably will be a great season for you!   The only thing lower than our coon numbers are the number of active trappers that'll be coming out this season after new restrictions took place this summer.   If the market forcast on coon fur holds up this year- you'll do very well at the furbuyer this winter because many competing areas known for coon fur sales could be very sluggish.  Good luck!


Wont lay any steel till the 27th, so what'r ya gonna do for 8 days? :wo: :biggrin:
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Work...work...work - I have some calls that I have to get finished up and some traps that need a bit of attention still. I also have to transform my wood shop back into a fur shed. Like I mentioned earlier in the year, I intend to halt most call making in mid October until mid to late January. I'll still turn a couple here and there to keep in practice, but I need to get more time in the woods this year. I don't want to leave any loose ends that will nag at me while I'm in the woods, so whatever I finish up here in the couple weeks will be it for a while.

I chose the 27th to set steel because I took the day off from work to go do some duck hunting. I figured that would also be a good day to start laying some steel in the ground. I Can't wait til the end of the month :biggrin:

JRB...I used to sell locally to a country fur buyer, but I have quit doing that for the most part. I ship my furs to FHA and have been pleased with results. I'm hoping some areas are sluggish with the coon production this year - that supply and demand thing is a key component in setting the prices at auction.




Weather forecast is perfect Fall weather for NH/VT.....foliage is at its peak, bright sunny days with 60+ during the day then 30+ at night...im goin up for the 1 week fall turkey hunt...if i score then im gunna whack some crows...chase some foxes/coons/coyotes..ducks/geese..drink beer, smoke cigars, bbq, and forget all about work and traffic for 9 days im psyched! :yoyo:


Now that soundss like a good time - Have fun!!
