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Started by nastygunz, December 14, 2008, 10:29:57 PM

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You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


This is from the fella who just got shot foxhunting at night....got me interested in the Foxpro Mighty Mouse he swears by it as hammering the fox/coyote:

You really do like that little FP MightyMouse, or whatever it's name is.
Yeti, share your setup with us.
You're gonna mess around and make me buy one of them things, just for Reds. LOL


You know I like that little call.
I start just about every set off with it. It plays a chirping sound for like 5 seconds then quiet for like 10 seconds and then chirps again back and forth. So for the first 5-7 series I keep it in my coat pocket to muffle it down. If nothing shows by then I pull it out of my pocket and hold it out aiming the sound around for another 5-7 series. If I see a fox it goes back in my pocket and stays on in my pocket. If nothing shows by then I goto either the Scorpion or mouth calls. The instant I see a fox or coyote I stop all other calling and flip on the MM in my pocket and let it play out. That is unless the critter is responding to GFP but thats different. The MM is a very different sounding call. Its more of a cricket chirping then a mouse sound to me. But its got a sharp cut to the sound which I belive bounces off the brush, trees, terrian etc and confuses the critters because they cant pin point the sound. The chirps are also spaced out just enough so they almost overlap as the echo is on its way back so it adds even more confusment to the critters. So most times the fox/coyotes will not even circle it because I don't think they can pin point it to circle it. Its kinda wierd but if you ever get one you will know what I mean. I don't know if FoxPro even knows what they have come up with on this call. I own two because I am afraid I will break one or loose one and not be able to get another. I have had the same 9V battery in mine for the last two and a half seasons now. Amazing great little call that has accounted for more fur down then any other call I own...
What have I just done
Any way I can get this thread blocked so NY residents can't read it?


Hey, just a heads up...be careful about cut and pasting stuff from over there. We all know how they are and I can JUST see them trying to pinch us with a lawsuit for copying, reprinting and publishing. :doh2:
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I would hazard to guess since yetihunter wrote it and its not copyrighted and freely available to the public and im not making a profit  off it......we'uns is pretty safe  :wink:


HOLD THE PRESSES  :shck:....did you mean the Foxpro link I posted?... :doh2:


no, no...I was talking about the post you copied over, assuming it came from Puppet Masters
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Todd Rahm

QuotePuppet Masters
:innocentwhistle: ................... Ah, hell.  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: From Sheeple to Puppets.


I know what you meant JC....just messin witcha.... :eyebrow: