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1st winter stand

Started by Silencer, January 06, 2009, 05:03:01 PM

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I had the boys out rabbit hunt yesterday after school and I'm pissed about the coyote tracks in our rabbit patch !!!   Big front moving in and I figured  to try and take advantage of it so I got out and did some calling before dark.
Here's the scene...

Just beyond that big tree is a creek bed that runs to the point of the ridge.  I figured they would have worked up that creek bed. 

I started out by leaving my e-caller remote at home and using hand calls.  First couple series I blew were jack distress, then I went into a challenge howl and that ridge you can see in the background lit up. One loner kept challengin me back moving across from right to left,  thats why I shoulda been sittin at that point IMO.  I couldnt get him to commit and shoot right in.   

edited to add : the point i'm refering too is where the ridge hits the creek bed.

Felt good to get out and hear some, I dont care if I didnt score, IT JUST FELT GREAT !!!!!!


Hit another spot Vic...... :yoyo: :yoyo: Smackin one down will brighten your day!!!!! Wish  I had been there!
Sounds like fun! ............How went the wabbit huntin?


Hey silencer, had the same thing happen to me last year  had one challenging for 5 minutes or more and would never shoe his face! Goodl uck and I hope you get the yotes before they get all your rabbits.


did you try ki yi or a yote in distress
my goal: do as much as I can, as fast as I can, for as long as I can, and at the end of the day if I'm not satisfied I will be to wore out to care


Looks like some thick stuff.
I expect the next pics will have red snow in em.  :eyebrow:
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Quote[How went the wabbit huntin?

I dont have a hound, so I place the boys where I think/know they'll run and I stomp on the brush piles for them.  They had 2 misses before it got dark  :laf: 
I had a chance to get a nice broke/trained spayed female beagle for free but I couldnt get the wife to bite because of my lab is enough for the house already  :nono:


 :laf: Your wife dont bite?      I can not imagine that :nono: :innocentwhistle: