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Started by Silencer, January 21, 2009, 04:04:33 AM

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It is a full mount, 10 dollar yardsale special I picked up a couple years ago  :eyebrow: 


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Like Jimmie said, those coyotes are there for a reason... Are you keeping in mind the "Thermals"?  Once the sun comes up and those hillsides start warming up, the thermals start rising from the valley.  Southern exposures first.  But eventually all.  This is in addition to the prevailing winds.  A coyote on the ridge top is having scent rolling up to him from all sides, then having it blown and swirled cross ways right into his face.  Tough not to get busted.   Regardless, I would most definitely try using a climbing tree stand, and getting up off the ground.  It might just get you the time you need to see them, and get off a shot.


Thats what my next question was going to be... "THERMALS" and how they work.  I did notice the last time I tried setting up the wind was perfect until I got settled in and it changed and started rising right up the ridge. 

Thanks, that cleared it up a bit.