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White coyote (clip)

Started by CCP, December 10, 2006, 12:06:22 PM

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I would love to report we got a beautiful white coyote killed BUT things don't always go as planed. This is a classic case of a bad setup and not enough scouting.

1st thing I did wrong was set the caller down wind of where we were going to sit.
2nd We set up out on the edges of fields
3nd thing I did wrong was used the LCD screen on the camera instead of the view finder.
4th thing always bring extra reeds for the howler.
5th thing I did wrong was leave a big tree in my way.

Get the picture, I let my wanting to hurry up and kill a coyote get in the way of doing my home work.

I started the stand with distress and after 12 or 15 min went to barking which brought in two coyotes. "Guess what" they went down wind which put them farther from us OK I admit Iam an idiot :biggrin:

After they came in of course they went down wind and smelled us and bolted. After several barks we were able to stop them but not where we wanted them. We played a game of cat and mouse for 3 or 4 min. I then decided to challenge them but the latex on my howler was half broken doesn't sound good that way :biggrin:

After the challenge they couldn't stand it anymore and came on in the wind had changed and they had to cross over to the other side. After making it down wind the blond popped up over the hill. Aaron was watching for the other coyote and didn't see it pop over the hill. he had to make a hurried shot and missed. He was also sitting much lower than the camera and couldn't see as well as I.

Bottom line if we had scouted properly and played the wind like we usually do there would have been a blond killed today.
This is a lesson I have to relearn sometimes :shrug: It does however show the importance of dont give up, talk to them and keep calling.

Here is a frame grab of the white coyote on the hill it was around 50 yards.

here is a clip I cut out most of it way to long and some footage not good to much going on trying to call and run camera. I had also used the LCD screen and the sun washed my screen out at times and had a problem finding the coyotes. This hunt will not make it on film but is a good re-learner for me. hope someone learns from my mistakes I don't seem to. :roflmao:




What was the fourth thing????

       :confused: nevermind....I see two 4th things happened.  :nono:

Man you, I say you had a bad day.  :laf:
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Hawks Feather

Sorry you missed, but it was still a great video.



  Yep, too bad you missed!  Still a good clip!  Thanks


Good footage as always Rich.....Way to go
" I love coyote huntin",and the folks that learned me the way"

Hunters Specialties
"For Sportsman, by Sportsman"


That was really cool,  I am getting the urge to buy some more videos.... HMMMM where do I start?  :wo: :wo: :wo: :wo: :wo: :wo: :wo:

Retired USAF
Desert Storm Veteran
Remember to thank those who are serving our country and the families of those who have died to keep you safe...Our Troops, Police and Firemen deserve our thanks"


nice video. Wish I could shoot vids
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Again I say awesome Rich !!  Looking forward to hunting with you sometimes. How many times did you say shoot ?  lol... :nono:... just kidding ya Aaron.  3 more weeks and counting !!  BTW , nice HAT Aaron :biggrin:


Gosh......what do ya want me to say to that?  :laf:

I know.............purdy coyote.  :biggrin:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


You might think that was a bad set up, but it I had that here I'd be so excited! :yoyo: :yoyo:

Thanks for the clip! :highclap:
