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gone hunting

Started by byf, April 05, 2009, 08:25:32 PM

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Nice job :congrats:

At first I was thinking mannnnnn that looks just like the last picture he posted, what's he doing?...posting them again?
I went to look at your last one and the pic has been removed. So I went to look at the prior one and that's been removed also.

What's up with that?
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I would love to see the first fifty! :yoyo:


I was thinking the same thing but the other pic was gone.  :confused:

:doh2:  He went to the tele tubby predator university I bet!!!  :yoyo:

Where you located  byf??

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

So I will here also!

It was brought to my attention (in the recent past) by 4 people he posted some of the same pictures on another board. The number they said was more like 20 coyotes this year. That with in itself is a good number for the east most would be proud of. I would not see a need in stretching  it.

I have to proceed with caution but I hope I and the others are  wrong. Chuck I know you seen this thread so I hope you can steer us in the right direction.



Fellows, Chuck is not all that experienced with a computer or posting pictures on forums. I can assure you he has killed the number he stated. He has trouble with Photobucket like a lot of other people.  He does not make posts to boast or exaggerate, and that is a fact.  In fact, I posted a lot of his pictures for him at various times when he didn't have a clue how to do it.  He is a hard hunter and loves the sport as much or more than anyone I have ever known. He is always ready to help anybody at any time for anything.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Mannnn  :confused:  You'd think that after killing a coyote and setting things up for a photo session, that if when you posted the pic it wasn't the one you just took or wanted you'd know it.

Each kill is such a significant feat, that I dont understand how someone could accidentally post a pic of last months kill and think it was yesterdays picture. Especially since photobucket places all newly uploaded pics at the front of the album, the very first pic in fact.

I would love more then anything to be wrong...but something aint, I say something aint right. :confused:
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I am sure there is a simple explanation. "byf" needs to tell us whats up so all this speculation will come to an end. Besides I still want to see the first fifty! :yoyo:


I hate to be judgmental myself but it does look a bit odd. Even to me & I'm not the smartest feller in the group.

Maybe an inflated   :doh2: inaccurate total body count could lead to a glorified field staff position.  Who knows. I guess it could happen.  :shrug:

Honestly I wouldn't mind being wrong either.  :wink:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: FinsnFur on April 06, 2009, 07:52:52 PM
Mannnn  :confused:  You'd think that after killing a coyote and setting things up for a photo session, that if when you posted the pic it wasn't the one you just took or wanted you'd know it.

Each kill is such a significant feat, that I dont understand how someone could accidentally post a pic of last months kill and think it was yesterdays picture. Especially since photobucket places all newly uploaded pics at the front of the album, the very first pic in fact.

I would love more then anything to be wrong...but something aint, I say something aint right. :confused:

Jim, take a look at Chuck's post "These two yotes ???????? #50 #51 " and you will see his last two yotes killed, totally different in coloring. As I told you before, he is not all that proficient in posting pictures or making posts for that matter.  He was trying to share with the fellows on here, but obviously somebody thinks he is lying.  I'd hate to be the guy who told them that to his face.  I am in touch with him a lot, and I know that he is a 100% straight shooter. 
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff







Nobody called anyone a liar Al.
But yes there is a haze of doubt in the air.

So why are the pictures getting removed anyway?
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I took the pics down ,do not know where the dought came from but just thiught I would go back to just hunting and read others post to avoid any problems.I do not mean this in the wrong way but I have not reason to impress you.  I just wanted to share and learn. the yotes were two different dogs and after going back and looking at the pics the gun was facing different dirctions One yote was alot more white than the other.But any way if you guys dont mind I will just read the post and not post any pics or hunts.Good hunting.