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Found a tick . . .

Started by Frogman, May 01, 2009, 07:20:56 PM

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on me just a little while ago.  Man, I hate those little bugs.  This afternoon I went to scout out a really nice new 200 acre farm I just got permission to coyote hunt on.  Nice thing is it's just 10 minutes from home.  It is 95% meadows that lies along the river.  The grass is already shin high thus the ticks.  I hope I don't find any more of them.  I felt this one crawling on me even after I had showered earlier after scouting the farm.  I walked most of the perimiter of the farm.  There are several small wooded areas, especially along the river and in areas with ravines and small creeks that are too steep to be cut for hay.  I found several places where you can set up against the woods with some good elevation and a view of some large fields.  There may be some long shots on this property.  I'm going to take my range finder the next time and get some ranges set. The farmer just saw a coyote last week in one of the meadows and says he hears them barking and howling at night a couple of times a week.  This will be a great place to night hunt!!  He also told me that he has seen coyotes mousing in the fields while he is still mowing.  I'll be sure to have him let me know when he gets ready to mow the fields!! I'm going to have to get out there early next week for a few stands because the rain we have been having is making the grass grow really quick.  Won't be long til you won't be able to see a coyote in the tall grass!   Another good thing is that the approach to the best stand sites will be into the prevailing wind!  I forgot to take the camera.  I will get some pictures of this place  next time I get out there.  I will also use some insect repellent too!  Another nice thing about this place is that the landowner told me it isn't necessary to call before I come out.  He said he would recognize my vehicle and that would let him know I was there.  Nice guy!!  I'm looking forward to getting in some stands there soon!!


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Hawks Feather

Quote from: Frogman on May 01, 2009, 07:20:56 PM
There are several small wooded areas, especially along the river and in areas with ravines and small creeks that are too steep to be cut for hay.  I found several places where you can set up against the woods with some good elevation and a view of some large fields.

Yep, this sounds like the right place for ticks.  Did you check between your toes?  I have heard that they sometimes go there and can live for months.   Then there was one guy that thought he had hemorrhoids and when he finally went to the doctor for a check up they found a tick.  :shck:

Good luck,



 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Good gahd Jerry :laf: :laf:
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Thanks Jerry,  I'm already sitting here imagining things crawling on different parts of my anatomy.  Now I'm going to have to take my shoes off and drop my drawers in front of the mirror.  Wait a minute, let me see if I can find that camera . . . . . .


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


  " Honeyyyy,,,,,,,,,,,,,"    " come here and look at this for me"    :innocentwhistle:    :biggrin:



Quote from: Frogman on May 01, 2009, 07:38:40 PM

 Now I'm going to have to take my shoes off and drop my drawers in front of the mirror.  Wait a minute, let me see if I can find that camera . . . . . .

STOP! MY EYES! MY EYES!    :roflmao:


 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:Jerry just made a frog look at his own butt.......... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Thanks guys. I just ate.  :puke:

Jim, don't worry about ticks. I don't know of any cases where one, or even two, sucked all of the blood out of a man.



yah, especially when it...

......ah nevermind :puke:
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I do know a couple guys here in town that got lyme disease.  I've had 3 ticks bedded in me in my lifetime. 
Twice I got tested and put on anitbiotics due to the rash.  Both tests were negative thank god. 
Them buggers are thick around here, I'm alway checking and finding them after hunting in the spring/summer. 


I spray permanone on my pants leg and tape my cuffs.   It helps some.  We were early season bowhunting at LBL one year and a buddy of mine ended up in the hospital from hundreds of nymphal Lone Star ticks.   The itching was driving him crazy.  They are thick down there and in West KY.

Lone Star ticks and American Dog ticks can carry Rocky Mountain Spotted fever but are not supposed to carry lyme disease.   


Afrogman, I  pulled one of a month ago,here is the scary thing.My wife has a friend that rides horses and she has been diagnosed with lymes disease!


The only tic that bothers us here is the one that gets going under the wifes right eye when she's getting ready to do her volcanoe thingy.  I'm guessing this cooler climate has some definate advantages.
I say what I think not think what I say.


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