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Name that Butt...(right up NastyGunz alley)

Started by Coulter, April 26, 2009, 10:13:00 AM

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Sorry, I couldn't resist :eyebrownod: How about it, what are your guesses?

Todd Rahm

I do better at the name that "Predator Call" pics then I do at the name the "Duck butt" photo's.  :biggrin: Butt (lol) I'll try.

Uhmmmmmmmmmmm......................this one.

Ah, heck I'll send ya a pm.  :biggrin:


Photobucket must be having issues this morning, it's hanging up and not bringing in the pic for me.....yet anyway.
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Hawks Feather


I dont know what it is, but that babys got some BACK! :yoyo:
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gotta be a drake merg/saw bill.  Gotta be some sort of diver,  looks like low water and he's feeding off the bottom.

The more I look the more I want to say ringneck or bluebill...


Being a waterfowl ass id specialist (certified)...im thinking canada goose...big and big black legs.... :biggrin:


QuoteBeing a waterfowl ass id specialist (certified)

you da man Gunz  :yoyo: :biggrin:



:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: @ Nasty...

Okay guys...does the other end help ya any?

Hawks Feather

No, but I like the first picture better.  I always felt that I was more of a "leg" man than a "tail feather" man.



lol.. a coot's butt :roflmao:   Ever eat coot ? 


Nasty and Silencer can share the booby prize - A Blue Footed Booby to be exact....

you guys can fight over who gets which end :roflmao: :roflmao:

Yep...the lowly little coot. No I have never eaten a coot and I don't have any intentions of trying it anytime soon. I may shoot a couple to use as bait on the trapline this year though :eyebrow:



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