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Hunting in the rain.

Started by bigben, October 22, 2009, 08:43:04 AM

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With fur season for PA to open this Saturday at 12:01am there is a bunch of buzz on the pa based boards about the weather forecast for this weekend.  Much if not all of the state is gonna be rainy from tonight on till Sunday early morning.  Thinking back through the seasons I have hunted in a bunch of different conditions and I always make it a point to get out the first night no matter the weather.  I remember the wind the first year I hunted preds seriously.  Looking back it was terrible.  It had rained pretty much all day Friday heavy and the fields were a mess.  The temp was a hi 60's.  I still had fun though even though the weather was terrible.  

The next few years were not any better.  I cannot remember an opener that did not have rain or wind in the forecast.  Each year I went out and called.  So most of the pa boards have the usual posters that state "I don't like hunting in the rain".  Or "it isn't worth it. " "The animals are holed up anyhow."  Well those posters at the end of the year normally state "man this season went by quick" or "I wished I would have hunted more this year"  Now I am not getting righteous or all high and mighty, but I wonder how much these forum boards have an influence on peoples descions to hunt.  I have hunted for preds in pouring down rain along with bitter cold and one extreme to the other.  I figure if I am going to go hunting I go.  The oportunity does not allways come around whenever the right conditions are present.  

One thing I have noticed while hunting the less then ideal conditions is that it is possible to have success.  My most productive time to hunt seems to be in a lite drizzle mid fur season with warmer temps.  So I wonder how many people hunt in adverse weather conditions?  Or am I the only goofy fella out there screamin to fox in the rain?  
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Bigben if it's light out hunting is better than being in the house in most any weather.  I just asked the wife if I could answer yes to your question and she said, "I know you'll hunt in weather you won't work in" :biggrin:.  -40C and I'm out cause I know they need to eat in order to create enough heat to survive so I take advantage of the situation.  Heck growing up on the farm the only time I ever had off seemed like when it was raining or some other adverse condition, I was 25 before I knew that fish could be caught on a sunny day.
I say what I think not think what I say.


I always consider rain to be one of the best times to hunt and fish. I never had a good rain suit ever and 2 years ago finally put out some good coin for a camo suit with gore tex and man what a difference...can be out in the rain all day and get back to your rig and take off the outerwear and be totally dry...makes it alot funner for sure.


I am glad I am not the only crazy out there.  I am going to go pick up a new pair of muck boots this afternoon.  first time I have ever owned a good set of boots so I am pretty psyced.  I have been looking at good hunting gear also such as rain suits and cold weather gear.  kinda hard to find big enough stuff though.  I need a 14 size muck boot maybe a 15 not sure yet.  I wear 4x jackets and 42 pants.  kinda hard to find good gear in those sizes.  it actually sucks to tell ya the truth.  you guys know of a good place online to buy gear big boy size?
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Quote from: bigben on October 22, 2009, 12:35:17 PM
I am glad I am not the only crazy out there.  I am going to go pick up a new pair of muck boots this afternoon.  first time I have ever owned a good set of boots so I am pretty psyced.  I have been looking at good hunting gear also such as rain suits and cold weather gear.  kinda hard to find big enough stuff though.  I need a 14 size muck boot maybe a 15 not sure yet.  I wear 4x jackets and 42 pants.  kinda hard to find good gear in those sizes.  it actually sucks to tell ya the truth.  you guys know of a good place online to buy gear big boy size?

I know of nowhere to buy what you are talking about but am willing to bet there is a seamstress near you that could build you the clothes you need.  Kinda/sorta like getting a call made but only a different line as in custom clothes.
I say what I think not think what I say.


People hunt when it is not raining?   :confused:  Written in the rain on the rainy we(s)t coast.

I've lived and hunted in true rain forest and also in desert as well as in between, and discovered that animals in different climates react differently to rain.  It depends on where you are.  I don't' know about PA but here are some tidbits about rain in relation to critters in different climates.

In heavy rain areas, such as the Olympic Peninsula of WA State, or Vancouver Island in Canada, the best time to hunt most things is in the rain.  That's true especially for deer.   They need to keep eating to keep warm in the constant wet conditions that may go on for weeks.   I've called cougars many times, some of them successfully, when I had a small umbrella or a plastic sack over the electronic call.

On the other hand in fairly dry climates, such as the Rockies of Canada, IME heavy rain shuts down most kinds of game and they hole up instead of coming out to feed more actively.   They can wait out most rain storms and do.   Light rain doesn't seem to bother most animals.   I have called coyotes during moderate rain in such places.

In southern California, I discovered that calling bobcats in light rain was the very best time for me, and I'm not sure why.  I had a bobcat come in to my hand call, then sit and lick all of the water from its fur as I watched.    Another good time to call is at the end of heavy rain and storm that has lasted several days.  The first half hour after the rain ends is fabulous to call anything.

Rain or no, I'd be out amongst 'em on opening day.


I shot my biggest buck ever hunting in the rain...in the fall here in NH/VT when your in hardwoods its almost impossible to move without sounding like an elephant on cornflakes...the rain shuts the dead leaves right down...I use that alot from squirrels, turkey, deer etc...rain hunting rules and as a bonus youll be one of the few out hunting in it. BigBen, i know the feeling trying to find clothes that fit..being of superhuman dimensions :biggrin:... from genetics and weighlifting i have very big arms, back, neck, etc and fluctuate from 275 to 300+...my nephew who is 6'8 and 300+ turned me onto this place where i buy my hunting gear, prices are good, service is great and i can buy hunting clothes that fit...and i like em BIG on me so i can layer for the COLD winters here, it is


I wear 13 shoes too and they have some decent boots also, let me know what you think.


No rain hunting for me....but I will call when everyone else says it's too windy, or "moons to full".   :rolleye:

When it's real windy, to me that just means you make more stands in a given area, to get the sound to the Coyote.  I guess that's the thing to do.  :eyebrow:
Meet your adversary on a common ground of wits and skill.
Leave the E-caller at home with the video games.


thanks for the link to the big guy gear nastygunz.  I bookmarked it.  that really annoys me to go to cabelas and have to settle on something different then you want because there are none in the size you need. 

pa's weather depends.  but I would say it rains about on average 2-3 times a week.  somtimes we will go weeks on end with off and on rain.  other times we go weeks with only light showers.  but this year seems to be the wettest that I can remember.  cooler also.  I wonder what the winter holds for us?  I just find it funny of these guys on the net that claim they want to hunt but don't unless the conditions are perfect. 

I had recieved a few pms about coming down and hunting with a now very close hunting buddy.  then I only knew him by screename.  it was the saturday before christmas a few years ago.  we made plans to start hunting around 7 that night.  it was raining pretty much all day but the weather forcaster said it was supposed to clear off.  he called up and said that he wasn't sure about going out.  I said looking at the radar that it looked like it was going to clear off.  he said well I don't want to waste your time driving down if it is raining.  he lives about a hour away.  I told him you can't kill em sitting at home.  he kinda got a bit flustered and said fine then if you want to come down and waste your time go ahead.  I said I am on my way at 6 see ya at 7.  I pulled into the parking lot and he is sitting in he truck just shaking his head.  I said what's up.  he said it was raining cats and dogs ten minutes ago.  the weather moved out and ultimately cleared off revealing a bright full moon.  we still had a good night.  first setup a red was called and shot and then the rest of the night allthough productive no more kills. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Mucks do come in 14. :innocentwhistle:
Love mine! :biggrin:


No much of a problem out here, but I would never let it stop me.  The second largest deer and a six coyote day all happened during a light rain. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


    Never had a problem hunting in the rain. There are a few areas hard to get into without the coyotes hearing me. The rain helps me get into these areas much quieter. The problem I have is wind it being the deciding factor always. Wind not right? I have no use in educating coyotes with bad wind.



The only place bad wind belongs is in the bunkhouse at deer camp  :biggrin:


It is pouring here tonight, heavy rain, but I have time free to go hunting tomorrow, so will pull out of here about 2:00 AM.  I'm heading for the dry side with higher elevation so it is probably snowing over there or will be, though it is raining in the hunt area so far.  I have an unused moose tag left over from an earlier hunt and picked up a mule deer and a whitetail tag this afternoon, though there are not many whitetails in the area I'm going.  I will call or snipe coyotes as mood and targets of opportunity present themselves.  My wife has been gone over a week and I don't want to hang around the house till she returns Monday night.  

Course I could go after chum salmon swarming the rivers right now, mixed with some coho, Chinook and a few left over pinks.  That would definitely be done in the heavy rain.  Chum are pure brute force salmon, not great on the table but dang are they ever strong.  Hmm... standing thigh deep in a river wearing total rain gear over chest waders, hanging on to a rod with a fish ripping off line, or peeking through pockets of dawn fog for a moose or mule deer through drizzle or falling snow.

Hard choices:   fins or fur...  doggone what a quandary.


I hunted in the rain this morning for turkeys.   Rain does not bother me.  Or cold.  But if there is high wind, I call it a day.


Quote from: Semp on October 27, 2009, 01:20:58 PM
I hunted in the rain this morning for turkeys.   Rain does not bother me.  Or cold.  But if there is high wind, I call it a day.

Did you get one, see one or hear the thundering gobble?  Details would be nice :readthis:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Quote from: bigben on October 22, 2009, 12:35:17 PM
I am glad I am not the only crazy out there.  I am going to go pick up a new pair of muck boots this afternoon.  first time I have ever owned a good set of boots so I am pretty psyced.  I have been looking at good hunting gear also such as rain suits and cold weather gear.  kinda hard to find big enough stuff though.  I need a 14 size muck boot maybe a 15 not sure yet.  I wear 4x jackets and 42 pants.  kinda hard to find good gear in those sizes.  it actually sucks to tell ya the truth.  you guys know of a good place online to buy gear big boy size?


           I don't know if you already know about these sites, if not check them out for large hunting togs.



aka: Grizz - East Tennessee


Quote from: pitw on October 27, 2009, 01:36:50 PM
Quote from: Semp on October 27, 2009, 01:20:58 PM
I hunted in the rain this morning for turkeys.   Rain does not bother me.  Or cold.  But if there is high wind, I call it a day.

Did you get one, see one or hear the thundering gobble?  Details would be nice :readthis:.

I saw several but unfortunately they saw me too.   :eyebrownod:   And then they were gone.  Poof!


Quote from: Semp on October 27, 2009, 05:55:27 PM
Quote from: pitw on October 27, 2009, 01:36:50 PM
Quote from: Semp on October 27, 2009, 01:20:58 PM
I hunted in the rain this morning for turkeys.   Rain does not bother me.  Or cold.  But if there is high wind, I call it a day.

Did you get one, see one or hear the thundering gobble?  Details would be nice :readthis:.

I saw several but unfortunately they saw me too.   :eyebrownod:   And then they were gone.  Poof!

Little short but thanks  :wink:  now I know them things is magic too :shock2:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


now they are saying about full moon nights aren't productive.  but yet they like hunting on snow with a full moon.  :holdon:  What is the difference? 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.