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how to get into predator hunting cheap.

Started by bigben, January 12, 2007, 05:38:01 AM

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when most soon to be predator hunters get into predator hunting they think they need to have the best gear that the hear about will desimate all predatory animals in existance.  I am here to tell ya that you do not need that 7oo dollar caller, or the 200.0 camo suit.  as far as calls a simple closed reed that has a coaxer voicel in the one end and a regular rabbit voice in the other.  with this one call you can make bird distress rodent distress on the coaxer end.  on the regular rabbit end you can make of course the rabbit in distress on most of em you can make fawn bleats raccoon chatter and distress, fox barks and depending on the model some you can make jack distress on.  or if you have a good bit of time then buy a critrcall open reed and practice.  with this call you can get rodent, rabbit, jackrabbit, fox barks, kiyi, pup howls, and fawn bawls.  to find out what sounds are suppossed to be like go to http://www.western-rivers.com/downloads.html  .
     As far as firearms go.  there are alot that you can use.  it also depends on what you want to do with the hide.  In my area of pa I use a shotgun a good bit.  most anyone has a shotgun that they can use.  buy yourself a box of BB or #4 buck and pattern it.  out west you have different terrain.  someone from out that way will have to comment on that. 
     For night hunting in the east some states allow you to use a light.  the cheapest thing that I have found is a cheap everready flashlight.  a buddy turned me onto these http://www.energizer.com/products/flashlights/flashlight.asp?cat=6&id=4 get one and then buy a bottle of red dykem here http://www1.mscdirect.com/CGI/NNSRIT?PMPXNO=1659009&PMT4NO=16333044 and paint the lens.  I found that it is scrtach resistant as long as you take the lense out and after painting put the painted side on the inside.  a bottle of the dykem should last forever.  The two that I have both are great for using as a shooting light and a scannin light.  if you do not want to spend the money on a batt every time you go out.  nitelite corp makes a 6volt rechargable.  most of the times you can find them in the walmart or lowes that you buy the light in.
    One more thing is camo.  I have used old faded camo and good new leafy wear and as long as you do not move excessivly then do not worry about it.  when hunting on the ground make sure that you have some cover around you and in front of you to break you up some.  I use a camo sheet that is 3d material from a army cover up for a rader.  I have holes cut in it for my head and my arms.  when I get to my stand I sit down and put it over top of me.  kinda makes you look like a pile of brush. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


there has got to be someone else here that can add to this.  I hope you are not all twisted like I am and need a excuse to buy another toy. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.

Bills Custom Calls

I am not sure I think I can go cheaper.I wear The same camo I use for dear hunting That is about 4 years old and looking kinda small tears and ect..... This camo cost me about $30 I bought a 32oz bottle of cover scent for about $11 at wal-mart .The gun I use is a 44 mag lever action that was give to me when my father-in-law past away.Now comes the hard part find someone that will come to you and hunt your area,Or let you go into their area and let them do the calling let them be in control of the hunt telling you where to sit.LISTEN LISTEN to what you are being told listen to the sound of the calls.I bought a Cass Creek e caller for about $28 it has the basic sounds on it and will teach you what the sounds will sound like.also on this site are a few places where these good folk have put sounds on that they are using .Now remember it is called coyote hunting I have been at this since Oct.and i have not seen a coyote yet at any stand I have been on.I keep saying someday my yote will come I have talked to people who have hunted coyote for 10 years before they shot the first one.Don't Give Up,don't be scared to ask questions There are no dumb questions if you don't know ask.Well I think thats enough for now.


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call

Jimmie in Ky

For the fellow that already hunts, he already has almost everything he needs. Any deer rifle and round works. For a shotgun hunter all he needs is bb loads or 4 buck loads for his shotgun. 28 to 30 dollars depending on what shot he chooses and number of rounds per box. I recomend the federal bb loads at around 28 for a box of 25, more bang for th buck.

All he needs is one good call he can get cheaply. I recomend the Haydel Government hunter model or th Lohman dual tone. Both are very simple and effective calls. They both have a built in squeaker for use as a call sound or if you shut off the end of the call, a coaxer rodent squeak. Around ten bucks each . BTW, these two calls are not comonly used around the country for some reason. A good thing to know is what is available in the stores near your hunting grounds. If these calls are not on the shelves then I highly recomend you order them and put them to work. Jimmie


No doubt predator hunters are ripe for the picking when it comes to "new toys".   Why it's become a multi million dollar business based around this sport.   99% of the hunters out there put way too much importance on them as must haves to hunt successfully.  BS!!!   None of them are really needed.   So on the lighter side...

As already said, almost any firearm can be used for predators in a pinch, rifle, shotgun or even some pellet guns - archery equipment, spears, sling shot... hand grenades.   So no new expense there unless you still ONLY have that Red Ryder BB gun you got for Christmas as a kid (and if you didn't shoot your eye out with it).   
Cost: $0

Ammo for whatever you have can be as cheap as factory offerings in lighter bullets if you don't reload for rifles.   But again, whatever ammo you have will usually work, even big game loads.   Waterfowl or even upland loads for a scattergun if that's all you have and get them in close enough.
Cost: $0

Any cheap store bought call will bring at least some predators in, so not much cash outlay there.   And it's pretty easy to make a simple one with just hand tools and items normally found around the house too if cash is shorter than spare time.   You can "borrow" a squeaker out of a toy if you really want one, but lip squeaks work just as well as long as you take your lips with you hunting. 
Cost: $0-7

A large feather or three on a string makes your decoy if you want one, and works very well if placed in the right location on your stand.   User your Red Ryder to shoot a big pigeon and it'll be free too.   
Cost: $0

Camo IMO is totally not needed.   With a proper setup, if you don't move most predators will not see you.   
Cost: $0

That jack knife you already carry in your pocket will suffice if you are after pelts. 
Cost: $0

Gas to get to a spot I guess unless you can hunt in your own backyard.   
Cost: $0-?

Lodging/meals if you don't live where there are any predators and have to travel (but you would almost have to be a moon child to not have predators near you).
Cost: $0-?

What's left?   Many states don't require a license or tags.   

So if added up, total cost could be as low as $7 for toys if you don't make your own call, plus whatever on the gas/meals/lodging (and assuming you have some kind of firearm/ammo on hand).


You could also really splurge, buy a predator hunting video for $15, play it on your TV and shoot the predators that come in on it with little Billy's rubber cup tipped dart gun.



USN 1967-1971

Thou shalt keep thy religious beliefs to thyself please.  Meus