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New call.

Started by pitw, February 21, 2010, 12:47:52 PM

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Donny Here.
  Thank you Mr.Hunt and Carve for the call.I went hunting with my dad today.We saw 4 coyotes, 3 deer, 7 sharp tail grouse and 2 moose.I didn't get a shot but i had fun any way. I tryed to call a coyote but none came. On the other side  of the bush a coyote was going to the call but we were gone.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Hi Donny,

You are very welcome.  I'm glad you got the chance to take your father hunting.  I'm glad you are measuring the quality of the day by the adventure, and what you observed.   :congrats:  Before long you'll get your first coyote, and it will be great.  We'll all expect pictures too.  Between you and me, you don't see me carving a lot of dead coyotes on a call, but rather live ones.  It's sort of a promise of the "adventures out there" waiting for you!  We all hunt them.  But once we shoot one, we're already looking forward to the next one.  So enjoy your days afield my young friend!  And particularly the ones you can spend with your dad.  I know he cherishes the ones he spends with you and Bob.  Be safe, and have fun.



 :congrats: :congrats:keep after them Donny you will get one and enjoy the time with your dad.  :yoyo: