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YoYo question

Started by cathryn, July 17, 2010, 10:00:11 PM

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 a friend of mine gave my son a few yoyos. wed never even heard of them till we went to Louisiana.

they look like theyd be real handy in a survival situation.

theyre illegal in some states

have any of ya'll ever used them and if so whats your opinion of them?


I better let these other YoYo's answer that one :innocentwhistle:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


I was thinking maybe the real YoYo would have an answer :alscalls:  Barry.....  :innocentwhistle:

There just toys Cathryn, and a very old one at that. You seriously never seen one until recently?

The YoYo has been around for over 2500 years believe it or not and is actually the second oldest toy in the history of the world. The doll is the oldest.
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^^ :laf: Youse guys are a hoot :laf:^^^

cathryn... you speaking of these?

“The Yo Yo is an automatic fishing reel made of steel with a tempered spring that automatically sets the hook when the trigger is released by a fish taking the bait. These reels are very popular for catching Crappie and Catfish.
Yo-Yo's can be attached to limbs, boat docks, the side of a boat, or any other means that will suspend the reel a couple of inches above the water. They also make an excellent device for ice fishing. Many people use these yo-yo's for jug fishing.”


I've used them... They work most of the time (like a limb line set) but you may want to check your local fishing regs. as they may not be legal where you fish. :wink:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Wow! That is toooo cool!
I could set a couple of those up, then go hunting. Instead of sitting around w/ my thumb up my arse & being a smorgasbord for skeeters. :biggrin:
Then if anybody asks me what I'm doing I can tell 'em "I'm fishing!"  :alscalls:  :alscalls:  :alscalls:


The yoyos are great fun! I get the kids to keep them baited during our stay at Reelfoot lake. We catch mostly cats. Two days in we usually have enough fish for a huge fry with puppies and rings.

Hawks Feather

Here I was thinking you were talking about a Duncan YoYo.   :biggrin:


Jimmie in Ky

The idea is that the rig sets the hook with it's spring action. We used them for limblines when htey first came out and many still do. I just prefer a good limb myself. Real simple set up. Line, a shot, and a hook with bait.

Laws here now require that all set lines have some sort of ID tag on them so they know who placed them . That way if they check them they can find you if need be. Lines must be checked at least once a day.

We did enjoy this way of fishing a lot when I was a kid. Work in the fields all day and run lines every evening after dark. Didn't worry about all the chemicals back then. We had enough fish in trhe freezer to eat a couple of times a week year around. Jimmie


I thought it was a crack at me ........ I was waiting for the punch line.........   :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls:


Quote from: Mallardsr on July 18, 2010, 12:45:41 PM
enough fish for a huge fry with puppies .

Man you'd have to shoot more puppies than I saw you get at the LBL for that :laf: :laf:.    Or are puppies another name for turtle :doh2: :confused:.

:alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls: :alscalls:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Hush puppies. Corn meal balls with onions and jalapenos deep fried! I would starve if I were eatin yotes. :laf: 


Corn meal balls with onions and jalapenos?...Boy that makes the coyote sound gooood. :confused:

Sorry Cathryn :doh2:  they lured me :laf:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on July 19, 2010, 09:01:37 PM
Corn meal balls with onions and jalapenos?... :confused:

I'm kinda hungry, that acually sounds pretty good.  I might try that in the deep fryer :biggrin:


Corn meal balls :confused:.  We use corn meal to slide wooden disc's on the floor for a game up here and you now tell me it's etable :shrug:.  You fella's down south ever heard of potatoes and beef :laf:.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Jimmie in Ky

Beef?  :confused: Does it taste anything like coon? Jimmie

Carolina Coyote

Quote from: Jimmie in Ky on July 29, 2010, 06:03:39 PM
Beef?  :confused: Does it taste anything like coon? Jimmie

:laf:  :laf:  :laf: The Canadians sure have a lot to learn about Souther eating. cc