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Need some opinions/help on this stand location.

Started by snowalker, November 09, 2010, 05:22:07 PM

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I think I need some help here guys...I just came across a landowner that gave me permission to hunt there property, well I did some scouting in the area last week during the mid days and here is what I have in detail. I will describe to you my area of making a stand that I think will work. So Please chime in if you have any suggestions or have made a stand similiar to this setting with any luck.This area holds around 4-6 different yotes and two of them being all black so I would Really Really like to have a crack at some of them especially the furry black dogs.

The layout of the land is all mowed and is flat field bottoms apprx 400 acres in all, coming off the highway to the west to enter the fileds there is no cover or fencelines. Down in the far end of the field to the west is a small river that runs  north / south and has about 25-27 yards wide of hardwood timber all the way along west of the property,There is a 200x200yard section on the south side of the field that is in grown up grass and 6ft. tall overgrown weeds that are bordering the hardwood strip along this river bottom in which I think they are holding up in there bedding during the daylight hours.

Inside the woodline along the river is one travel lane bordering the river beach area and another travel lane in the middle of the woodline that has tracks leading both ways north and south along with alot of fresh scat (rabbit hair in scat & pokeberry).The wind has been blowing out of the west / south west both times when scouted.I did not scout close to the the tall grassy area where it joins the woodline due to the west wind coming from the river so to keep my scent to a minimum and out of the bedding area.

I have been told by the property owners the yotes are out in the field and the edges most of the night up to just enough light to see at daybreak and then they dissapear.

Opinion/Advise needed is.........If I was to wait until about 1 hr. after daylight after glassing the field to make shure there are no visable yotes and then walk the field road all the way to the woodline into the west wind, set up just about 70 yards north of the tall grassy weed field that borders the woodline and face south to it inside the woodline just off the gametrail elevated on a little highspot nole so I can cover the field edge and both travel lanes with the shotgun , and place the FP Ecaller behind me at 40 yards to the north and another shooter 40 yards north of the ecaller to cover the backdoor do you think I would have a chance here? Property owners say I have no way chance in pulling this off.Well I am game to try anything once to learn from especially hunting yotes :)

Has anyone had any luck with a successful stand in hunting a slim cover area like this, I Gotta get the black Dogs! :eyebrow:      

 Click image to enlarge

Bills Custom Calls

If your walking in with the wind to your face (wind coming from the West) Then that would put your back to the sun and you will cast a shadow.The closer you get the better chance you have at getting busted.The Volume on the  FP will reach them make them mad and get them to come to you.
This is my opinion only I am sure there will be others with some better advice

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Welcome to the site snowalker.
Can you put up a Google terrain pic?
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I added your picture to your post there for ya snowalker.

Just an FYI, when your typing your post, you'll see a link under the little box that you are typing in, which reads, "additional options".
If you click those words it'll allow you to add an image to your post as I did when I edited yours up there,
by following the simple directions laid out here...Posting Pictures <-----click the blue letters

Let us know if you have any problems or need help.
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Bills Custom Calls

Whats the distance between the V tree line at the top of the pic and the high grass

I am thinking making a stand in the point of that V the coyotes have the tree line at the river to stay in for cover

Does that field have a hill in it?

I would say if you walk in the long field road you will be busted before you ever get started.

Again Just The Opinion Of a feller who has been busted many times

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Looks like one of those places I'd want to access via a canoe.
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FNF Thanks for the post, trying to figure it out now as my image shack pic host will not upload this picture once I put it in my pictures file on my pc for some reason or I could easily post it like I did my other pics.

Bills...The V shape woods to the north of the woodline is another land owner,they will not let anyone hunt it, I have asked. So I am limited here and that is about 550 yards from the high grass bedding area. The field has no hills or low spots in it so its pretty flat.

The Red dots are where I was planning on making a stand with a shooter covering the backdoorwith me facing the south towrds the high weeds bedding area, the yellow dot is where I would place the Ecaller. Both stand locations are on about a 10 ft high nole or knob inside the woodline pretty good cover as well overlooking two hot travel lanes.


Snowalker, I looked at your Google map then went there in Google maps and looked at the surrounding area. Granted there are better places surrounding you but you only have access to the place you posted. That being said the only choice I see would be the one you have laid out.

The only thing different I would do is only hunt it on a foggy morning which will help cover your entrance and move just a tad closer to the field with the overgrowth.



CCP, Thank you for your input, Yeh I know, I like the little bit of cover to the north of this picture along a small drainage ditch running east and west ( not in picture) that I could walk along to help break my cover better during entry also leading into The Y shaped hardwoods in which I would make a stand . There are alot of sign and some pretty worn down travel lanes leading to and from that thick weed field cover area. One of my employees was walking in there a couple weeks ago in the early morning just breaking daylight to work on one of our well pumps and a yote was standing on the edge of the weeds barking at him.
I will give it a try possibly after a rainy night with some cold early morning temps to get some fog in the area.

Jimmie in Ky

If htrey are bedded in that weed patch , then this is time for hunting on imagination.  Use that open field by laying down in it.  Just a clump of taller grass is all you need for cover. Use a pack for a rest . Set the e-caller out to the front and a bit to one side, preferably a tad upwind of you. A decoy would be good as well at the caller.  They will come to the edge for a look see, if not come right on out and circling toward you, trying to get downwind of hte caller.

I have doen this several times when I didn't have enough cover for me and a shooter and even by myself a couple of times. Theres always a way to get at them when you think about it and throw in some imagination. Jimmie


Hey now that sounds like a plan right there jimmie, I never would have thought of that,There is a well head tower setting about 125 yards directly north of the grassy weed patch (you can see 5 of the towers in a line with the field road leading directly into the middle one) and I could possibly set up shop at the base of it or even climb it and lay prone on the tower floor as it is about 35 ft high to the base of the floor.

So how far out upwind from the stand would you put the Ecaller and mojo decoy then? ....The corner of that weed field and the hardwoods line would be a cross wind from the closest well tower,The wind is pretty much consistant out of the west or southwest at all times.

Jimmie in Ky

You'll have to be the judge on that one Snowalker. You want them to come out far enough for a look see at least. I wouldn't bother climbing the tower if the base will provide enough cover .

There is always something you can use handy for a setup . Farm equipment, hay bales, whatever may be in a field. Even a clump of sage grass will do in a pinch if that is what is there . I even walked out and sat in a crp field once on a small hill over loking the travel lane. My son shot his first buck while we were laying in a crp field.  Camoflage is sometimes as much a state of mind as it is clothing or cover. Jimmie