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A perfect example of a great hunting day

Started by possumal, December 05, 2010, 11:53:01 PM

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Fellers and gals, I want to present some pictures of one of the most enjoyable days hunting I have ever experienced in my 58 years of hunting just about every critter that flies or runs through our fields and forests.  No critters were called in, or at least none we were after, but the beauty of the countryside and the company I kept made it as perfect as any day when I took home a limit of rabbits, squirrels, dove, quail, turkeys, woodcock, or deer.  This past Friday, I spent all day with Big Ed of Weedwalker Coyote Magnet fame hunting the elusive bobcat with no snow on to help us see the sneaky rascals.

First stand, taken in one of the most gorgeous settings you could ever ask to see was made special by the fact that Ed had seen a really big bobcat several times in this particular area while gun hunting for deer.  He could have taken the big cat two different times but chose not to as he didn't want to ruin his chances for taking a deer.  Since old Possumal has never taken a bobcat with limited attempts, Ed had me set up watching the most likely area to see the big kittycat.  About ten minutes into the stand, we both heard something coming through the dry leaves that led right to the likely crossing point.  You can imagine the rush I felt when I caught a glimpse of movement the far side of a large fallen tree top.  I concentrated my scope on the area and got an even bigger rush when I could see the right color fur through a little opening through the brush.  All that was lacking was for the bobcat to step forward enough for me to verify the target before squeezing the trigger, and then it happened-------problem is it was a stray dog who just happened to be the right color but lacked the proper ears, face, and bobtail to be what we were after.  I was disappointed and so was Big Ed.  In fact, he got as close to being mad as I have ever seen him get because he had never seen a dog up there on that mountain side.  On to a series of beautiful spots, all great for bobcat hunting, lacking only snow to help us locate the cats.

I know I am not revealing any well kept secret when I say Weedwalker Ed is about as close to a perfect hunting companion as you are ever going to find. He's funny as hell but a hard hunter and always trying to learn more about the great sport we all love. I love him like a brother, and that is a fact. I kind of believe he likes the ancient marsupial quite a bit too, so it made for a great day of trying as hard as we could  to get us a bobcat, but failing to do so didn't take anything away from a great day with two good friends enjoying the challenge, the beauty of the outdoors, and good company.  Here are some of the pictures to support what I am telling you guys.

I started the pictures with Big Ed in his finest and ended with him on the watch. If you look real close on one or two of the pictures, you might see Ed's Mojo decoy working hard beside his CS-24 which is always well hidden.  What a great day that this old Possum won't ever forget.  Now if we can just get back together with some snow on those mountains.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Yeah ol weedwalker is quite the fella. I hope to get to make a few stands with him some day too. Heck Al,, I wouldn't mind making a couple stands with you either. I think we would have a lot of fun too.  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


good story Al, and Ed is a real good feller. never met you in person Al but i can tell you a good feller also. glad you had a good time even though you didnt get your cat

Bills Custom Calls

Kurtis and I also  hunted with Big Ed and that was just before he became the magnet.He is a great feller to hunt with.He was very patient and wanted to make sure Kurtis felt included in our days hunting activities

Glad you 2 got out together

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


I say what I think not think what I say.


I once had the pleasure of hunting with big Ed........ Hes a hell of a good fella, and he speaks highly of ya AL.
Sounds like an enjoyable day.    :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:


Thanks Possumal, and to the rest of you all too. I love all you guys. I had a great day hunting with a very good freind that I think very highly of. Yes, I was dissapointed that I couldn't get a bobcat in your crosshairs. But  just spending the day with you in the field was a very memorable experience in its self. You are welcome to come back anytime. We've still got some time left. Hopefully we can get that cat.


Nice write up, possumal!     :congrats:   I'm surprised you weren't over run by coyotes since the Coyote Magnet was beside you.    Not many 400 yard shots in them hills, eh?  :laf:

And, Ed, I love that hat.    :eyebrownod:    :wink:


Quote from: Semp on December 06, 2010, 12:08:32 PM
And, Ed, I love that hat.    :eyebrownod:    :wink:

I knew you would Johnny. :biggrin: I been in a funk here latley. I think I've been de-magnitised or something. They just aren't running in and surrendering as usual. :innocentwhistle: I know that you and Pat get your powers of magnetisim from "The Hat". I just thought I'd give it a try to see if it would work for me too. But I must not be wearing it right or something. :nono:



RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11