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"Opportunity came a Knockin!"

Started by HuntnCarve, August 21, 2011, 02:28:01 PM

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Folks I apologize...Seems that in a state of exhaustion over my daughter passing her drivers test yesterday, I forgot all about posting this story...Let me explain...

My head wasn't fully comprehending what I was observing?  Yesterday back from the drivers exam in a state of shock, or euphoria?  I opened up the deck door and stepped out, not even first checking for hog activity. :rolleye: As I leaned up against the railing, I happened to glance down towards HH1. "Hey! What's that hog doing standing there?" -He was probably thinking the same about me?  Slowly the wheels started turning in my head, and by the time the fog lifted, both the hog and I were moving.  He was headed for the vicinity of HH2, and I for the .22 inside the door!  Grabbing up the rifle, I worked the bolt.  Crap!  I had forgot to put in the clip. :doh2:
By the time I got the clip in, and lined up on the rail, the hog had dissappeared?  Once again, I played a hunch and took a bead on HH2.  Seconds later an egg shaped head appeared giving me the Ol' Stink eye!  Quickly I placed the crosshairs right below his ear and squeezed off.  "Plop!"  The hogs head dropped out of sight.  As I stood there watching for movement through the scope, I decided I best head on down there?  Stopping at the gun safe first, I grabbed up my .22 revolver and headed on down the hill.  Turns out the pistola was not needed.  Hog No.17 was belly up, expired at the mouth of HH2.  Another male Silverback. So remember. When opportunity comes a knockin, try and be ready with your mind in the game. :laf:  In hind sight, it turned out to be a great day!

Good hunting!



Be honest now Dave.... you're baiting those HH aren't you?!  :nono:

Way to keep those whistle pigs in check!

Carolina Coyote

Good shooting Dave, may he rest in peace. :yoyo: cc


Looks like he's doing the stoner look in the 1st pic. "Hey duuuude!! Whats up maaannn!!!"    :laf: :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quote from: HaMeR on August 21, 2011, 07:16:16 PM
Looks like he's doing the stoner look in the 1st pic. "Hey duuuude!! Whats up maaannn!!!"    :laf: :laf:

"Daves not here maaannn"!

Cheech & Chong flashback....  :alscalls:


I'm telling ya...there's a Whistlepig farm on that property. :alscalls:
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"Whistlepig Farm" :alscalls:  Be tough to keep the little rascals from tunneling out.  I'm just lucky that I am surrounded by prime hog habitat.  As for the Honey Holes?  Once again I am fortunate that they just so happen to be on my property. :wink: -Might be like a "hog pilgrimage spot", that they all try and visit once (note the tense) in their lives. :eyebrow:  Just think?  Somewhere out there is another set of Honey Holes just waiting to be shot out!  I'm sure Glen has a few staked out?

Good Shootin!


Hawks Feather


All I can say is that you are a blessed in many ways.



We do have some staked out but Diane seems to be much better at eradication than I am.  :laf: :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11