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I'm gonna be a PaPa again!

Started by FinsnFur, May 02, 2012, 08:53:48 PM

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Well....sorta :innocentwhistle: :biggrin:

Found this wedged between the house and the front porch light a few weeks ago, by my front door.

I took em in to get an ultra-sound done, and they asked me to get it out of the building :sad:
So I put it back and a couple weeks later they looked like this;

Looks like house finches. Mom keeps em cozy and Dad comes around every Sunday it seems and they set on the edges of the nest and chatter back and forth. :laf:

It's kinda funny cause when I came home from work one day back in April and noticed all the lumber jacked in behind the light, I wasnt tall enough to see what was in it. Knowing I best not disturb it, I reach up and pointed the camera down in it.

I cant handle my youngest daughter dressing up and going to prom, I'm not sure how I'm going to tackle quintuplets. :doh2:
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Hawks Feather

Come on Jim, suck it up and act like the Dad that we know you are.  Just start putting in the overtime so that you can afford to purchase insects for them to eat.



It's the college fund thats gonna kill me :doh2:
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We had a nest of swallows in the same place, on the front door outside light, and planned to enjoy them as they grew and let our kids watch them grow, etc.    Good for you.

What a mess it turned out to be!  Show us a pic of your front door and steps when they are 3/4 grown and relieving themselves over the side of the nest!  :biggrin:  Maybe these won't be as messy as swallows with their spit mud nest.

We let them go till they left the nest, and then never let birds build a nest there again, though it was a battle with the brood pair the next spring.  They would not quit trying until I put up a paper owl that I drew, colored, etc.

Keep the picture story journalism going for us!


We had the same problem with the swallows a few years ago.  When they came back the following year I placed a cardboard box (cut flat) under their nest.  However they haven't been back since the fire.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs

Todd Rahm

Well they are yours for sure, I can see the gray in their feathers.  :biggrin:


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Well they are starting to poop all over now Okanagan. Not real bad yet but....

That piece of plastic I put on there years ago to cut the glare on the front door. The light is so close to the door that when you flip it on your blinded and cant see who's at the door.

Mom dont spend a lot of time with them any more, which surprises me. The other day I got home around 3:00 and she didnt come around till 7:00. I was beginning to think she got whacked by the neighbors cat.

I put a tiny little auto mirror on the porch ceiling a few weeks ago so I could see what was happening from inside the front door.

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Hawks Feather

Well there are eagle cams, deer cams, and turkey cams.  Why not "Jim's little babies" cam?



It's starting to get a bit crowded in there. I'm waiting to come home and find one on the porch with gravitational impact prints.

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RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


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Hawks Feather

They grow up and leave way to soon.



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