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Up a tree

Started by KySongDog, November 23, 2012, 10:19:05 PM

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I saw this on another site.  I don't think I could stay as calm as these two guys did.   Black bears do climb trees.



Yeah I came real close to soiling myself just watching it. :sad3:
I dont think the bear knew what to do when they didnt get scared and take flight. He knows to chase and kill, and well...the chase just wasnt there. It stumped him.
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Yeah, I saw that too.  Great video.  Hard to figure what the bear had in mind.  When he started running toward the tree at first I thought that it was aggressive, then later wondered if he thought it was his mother or a sibling up there.  It was a young bear, but as a hard case old bush coot once said about a 70 lb. bear, "That's a lot more bear than a man wants chewing on him."

Did you see the much larger bear right at the end chase off the small bear?  I'd guess that was a big boar and he was out to kill the smaller bear if he could catch him.  Also, after the bear climbed down, there were several soft bawls or mews which I guessed the young bear was making on the ground.  He may have been looking for company, maybe recently kicked out on his own by his mother or something.    I wouldn't want him that close to me.  Those guys played it pretty calm.



Yeah the little guy didnt even turn around to see what was ripping through the woods at him, he just bolted in a cloud of dust.  :laf: :laf:
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Hawks Feather

That was fun to watch (from the comfort of my chair and screen) but it would have been much different had it been me in the tree.  It would be interesting to know why the bear decided to charge and climb the tree - especially since when he got up there it was a long pause like what have I done now? 



Quote from: Hawks Feather on November 24, 2012, 10:15:41 AM
That was fun to watch (from the comfort of my chair and screen) but it would have been much different had it been me in the tree.  It would be interesting to know why the bear decided to charge and climb the tree - especially since when he got up there it was a long pause like what have I done now? 


It looked to me like the little guy was below the stand and a bigger bear was at the bait. When the bigger bear charged the little guy , he climbed the nearest tree, only to discover it was already in use.  :shrug:
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.


Yep, that is what I think happened too.   Like Okanagan said, it looked like the big boar was out to kill that little one. 


Yeah he wasnt aggressive at all.  I am suprized he stayed up there that long when he got a sniffer full of the humanoids up that tree with him.  i guess he was more afraid of the bigger bear below him.  I have had them climb trees I was in but the closest was one just under my foot platform.  Iv never had them up beside me like that.


Quote from: Hidehunter on November 25, 2012, 07:47:46 AM
I have had them climb trees I was in but the closest was one just under my foot platform.  Iv never had them up beside me like that.

What'd they do when they see ya or realize where they are Denver?
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I made it sound like its happend to me a bunch but has only been twice.  One just came up about halfway and was a younger bear...I really think he was playing and never even noticed me.  The other had climbed my stand the day before and chewed my seat all to pieces.  i think he was climbing up to see if he had left anything up there.  He climbed up and was right at my feet.  i pulled out my pistol (just in case) and when I moved he jumped back down and just stared up at me for a minute.  Then he walked about 10 yards and stared at me again.  He was only about 120 lbs and I was gonna give him a pass but the bastid walked over and grabbed a piece of my seat that was laying on the ground and had it in his mouth and turned around and looked at me again.  That took away his 'get outta jail free' card away so he got some razor blades through the heart.  You can mess with my woman or my truck or anything but dont mess with my hunting and fishing equipment!!



Quote from: Hidehunter on November 26, 2012, 06:18:00 PM
He was only about 120 lbs and I was gonna give him a pass but the bastid walked over and grabbed a piece of my seat that was laying on the ground and had it in his mouth and turned around and looked at me again.

ROFLMAO! :laugh2:  :alscalls:
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