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We need a Leader to Rise Up...

Started by Hidehunter, January 14, 2013, 10:02:26 PM

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I have not confirmed this yet but I heard this passed in New York a while ago.  Guys you can call me paranoid or whatever but if you are not worried about this then you are crazy.  We need a leader to get everybody together...thats all I will say.  We may fight to keep what guns we have but they are gonna make it to where we cant get anymore or anymore ammo for that matter.  Something has to be done!!!


The legislative package which Mr. Cuomo said he believed would be “the most comprehensive package in the nation,” would ban any gun magazine that can hold over 7 rounds of ammunition â€" the current limit is 10 rounds â€" and require background checks of ammunition buyers and automated alerts to law enforcement of high-volume purchases.

The legislation would also increase penalties for gun crimes, require background checks for most private gun sales and create a statewide database of gun licenses.

The expanded ban on assault weapons would broaden the definition of such weapons, banning semiautomatic pistols and rifles with detachable magazines and one military-style feature, as well as semiautomatic shotguns with one military-style feature. New Yorkers who already own such guns could keep them but would be required to register them with the state.

“The clear thing is, we are going to ban assault weapons,” said the Assembly speaker, Sheldon Silver, a Democrat from Manhattan.

When are these Freakin' Libs gonna understand that it has nothing to do with hunting!!!!!


In his State of the State address last Wednesday, Cuomo called for the "toughest assault weapons ban in the nation" as well as limiting magazines to a capacity of seven bullets, down from the current 10.

"No one hunts with an assault rifle," Cuomo said. "No one needs 10 bullets to kill a deer. End the madness."



I agree 100% but Who is going to do it? And the one that does will be labeled as a nut job even by the PRO GUNNERS... We all seen that with Alex Jones after his debate with Piers Morgan, personally I thought its about time somebody got pissed off and stepped up. All this PR bullshit has gone on long enough and it needs to be stopped NOW if it can. Our founding Fathers would have been fighting in the streets by now, problem is there are to many cowards.
Question is.. What are you gonna do when they come for yours?
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)



I'l probably be off fighting for a bunch of coward liberals somewhere else.  I heard an interesting thing today.  The guy said when they come for our guns do not give them to them.  Just say "I am guilty, take me to Jail".  They may take you to jail but if a million people did this everyday, in a couple of days they would have nowhere to take anybody...then what?  Anyway, they will not get my guns no matter what I have to do.  MOLON LABE!!


Sorry No can do... I have a rare form of cageophobia !
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)
