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Need Your Input - Rules for Predator Calls in the Guild Competition

Started by THO Game Calls, March 24, 2007, 10:56:34 PM

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Okay I have some info for ya. The guild is in fact working on incorporating Al's proposal into the rules. This should create a separate section for predator calls. Preston told me Craig Koefler is working on this, but it will take some time. I was incorrect about this being voted on by the BOD, input is being solicited from the membership. I also noticed that waterfowl was lumped into the miscellaneous category. I asked Preston about this and he informed that Mark Warmath is working to incorporate this as its own category as well.

This may be just me thinking optimisticly, but it looks like they Guild is trying to satisfy the vast majority here. It will take some time to accomplish, and keep in mind I was told there won't be any competition until 2008 at the earliest, possibly even 2009. I think they need to take the time and do things right the first time. So, with that being said I am going to get back to turning some calls now...right after work.


THO Game Calls

QuoteI was incorrect about this being voted on by the BOD, input is being solicited from the membership.

Again, how, where, and most importantly - What for?

I honestly wonder if the BOD and Chairman actually think before they say stuff like this.

If the Guild wants to represent all call makers, but leaves it up to the membership if they will represent all call makers, then the Guild is nothing more than a good old boys club.

If the Guild is soliciting input from the membership, where is that input is being solicited at?  Or again, is it just being solicited from the "club"

If the Guild wants to  solicit input on the rules I submitted, then they need to post them so that they can get some input.

I understand this will take time, and myabe they wont do anything for another year or two, but they need to make their intentions known so that they don't end up having a bunch of guys join the guild, paying 35 bucks a year for a couple of years just to find out they are red headed step children.

I still want to see a set of by laws for the Guild.  That should pretty much clear things up.  They must have one? 

Steve, a lot of us have gone out on a line for the Guild, without a lot of resources to back us up.  If the Guild wants the continued support of call makers from other areas, it best start treating them like valued members, and not as just a way to help them raise money for a pig picking.

Am I the only one who finds it interesting that off all the people who joined the Guild, the only ones who did not get their Hat, Pin and Knife were call makers that had nothing to do with Turkey Calls?

THO Game Calls
Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Quote from: THO Game Calls on March 29, 2007, 06:53:00 AM

Am I the only one who finds it interesting that off all the people who joined the Guild, the only ones who did not get their Hat, Pin and Knife were call makers that had nothing to do with Turkey Calls?

THO Game Calls

Does this mean I ain't getting a hat?????? :holdon:

THO Game Calls

You are welcome to mine.  Brand new.  Never worn.  Free shipping LOL  Matching Pin and Pocket knife included.

The minute I wear it, and another hunter sees it, the first question he will ask me is  "Do you make Turkey Calls?"    :roflmao:

I suppose the Guild is haveing an identity crisis - which is causing those of us who have been told that the guild will represent us as call makers from other disciplines to wonder How?   

I want this to work.  But it has to be a group effort.  Each of us has to embrace the other.  It should not matter what types of calls you make if the Guild claims to represent all call makers.   We must keep this on the front buirner until someone steps uip and says all are welcome or get out.  But talk is cheap.   There needs to be a set of by laws drawn up that set the standards and the tone of the organization.  I am not even sure they can collect money and solicit members without them.

There are some very fine predator call makers, and duck call makers out there.  It would be a shame to separate them.  They deserve the same voice and the recognition for thier work as the turkey call makers.  If the Guild says they will do that, and collects membership fee's based on it, then it has to follow through.  Anything else would be unethical and possably illegal.

THO Game Calls

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


You are right Al.

When it all boils down to it, we will see where they stand. In the mean time I went ahead and joined. If we can make it work I think it will be a beautiful thing. If not well then I'll just look at it like I blew $35.00 bucks on Pizza.

Now if you really want to have some fun, I could do a tutorial on trumpets and post it over there. I wonder how long it would stay up before it vanished?

Anyway, I'm leaving for a few days to go kill some birds and call some Yotes. I'll see ya'll when I get Back.


THO Game Calls

Good luck on your hunt!

I too hope it works.  We need this I think.  It might be an uphill battle but we have to make our voices heard.  Once they hear them, it will be up to the Guild what to do.   I think a lot of guys are taking a wait and see attitude right now.  That's fine, but the more we get harping on them the better.  I don't blame them for sitting it out however.   

THO Game Calls
Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Okay Al heer we go - here is how, where and what for...this can be found in the Guild membership area on CCO. It is in the Guild area because you should be a member if you want to have input on how the Guild is run. I omitted the e-mail address that is mentioned. If anybody wants to have input I guess for know it will have to go througha Guild member. The post Al created has not had many suggested alterations as of yet. Once the drafts are updated, I would guess that another link will be posted critique them and offer input. Here it is...

In this topic you will find, in the near future, links to "draft" copies of the CCMCG rules for call makers who wish to place calls into competition we plan to sponsor. 

The committee's have worked to create sets of rules for both divisions (Decorative and Field) which are simple, cover a reasonable scope of decorative call categories, are fair and provide both the experianced as well as the novice callmaker opportunity for their work to be judged. This will be accomplished using two classes of entry, Open and Rookie.

Something we feel will be unique to this competition is the ability of the callmaker to receive 100% of the selling price of the call, which the entrant will determine, if they desire to sell their work.

As stated in the opening, these are "drafts" and as such we are encouraging member input before finalizing their being. Please bear with us as we go through this process. We hope to establish a "respond to" email address shortly. This will allow us to collect in one place all input so it may be reviewed by the two committees. So, please hold you thoughts and comments for direct response until this is established. When responding please be specific with regard to division and which section within the division your input is being made. 

In the Field Call Rules in the section called "Judging Process" we have inserted a * BOLDED statement, which is not part of the rules. It has been inserted to draw your attention and input to these points.

Acknowledgement and advancement of the skill and craft in callmaking is a fundemental to our purpose. Thank you for your input in forwarding this effort.

CCMCG Members,

Please find below links to the DRAFT set of rules for the CCMCG Field and Decorative Call Contests. 


To ensure all comments pertaining to the Draft rules are collected in one location, the following email address has been established.  We request that you only use this email for this purpose.

To reply to some of your other comments...

"If the Guild wants to represent all call makers, but leaves it up to the membership if they will represent all call makers, then the Guild is nothing more than a good old boys club."

The membership should be what drives any organization, if it is largely comprized of turkey guys, then it will deal mostly with "turkey stuff". That is why I am involved with the Guild. I want it to be diverse and encompass all call making. I am making a sincere effort here with nothing to gain from this except what the Guild may or may not provide. You raise some good points Al, but couldn't ya try to be a bit more positive about this whole thing? You want all these questions answered...why not post them in the Guild section where the BOD will see them and let them answer them. I am not on the Board, I am simply relaying info that I am able to obtain for you guys. I am only on the communications committee.

By the way, the comment about only turkey guys getting the hats and stuff is a bit off base. I never received my stuff either, and at the risk of being shunned here, I make turkey calls also. When I sent in my application it was known that I make turkey, waterfowl, predator and "other" calls. I checked each one in the application box.

Also, harping on the Guild does absolutely no good over here. I think what is happening over here is more conducive to bashing. Other than Al, Todd, Clint, maybe Brent and myself who else here belongs to the Guild? Again, this stuff needs to be posted somewhere the Board can see it and address these issues. Somebody can always copy the questions and responses from the Guild section and paste them into a post over here.
