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Fishing outing ending

Started by FinsnFur, May 21, 2016, 08:14:14 AM

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Last night when I got home from work the oldest daughter and I decided to scamper down to the river and see if the Bluegills were biting yet, in hopes to harvest a mess. The grand daughter had gone to her Dads and it was just too nice out to do anything else, and Katie was in need of some peace  :laf:
Didnt get any bluegills, must not be in yet. In fact instead I got like 8 or 9 of these on my little micro twister;

Katie tied into a pike but it was too small to keep and got off at shore.

Not a lotta action after a few hours and we was getting hungry. There's a bar/grill right on the river up here called the Winneshiek. It fronts a huge marine with a two story deck facing the river. Very fitting atmosphere, laid back, and friendly.

We decided to drop in and head out on the deck and chew on a burger as the sunset down over the river.

This is what it looks like from the deck during the day. I found this pic someone web that someone else had takin.

And THAT my friends is where I got this pic :innocentwhistle: :eyebrow:
This is what it look from our point of few last night. Took this with the cell phone and it made me wish I had my good camera with. Very mesmerizing.
I coulda sat there and got drunk it was so peaceful  ;yes;

All that just to post a sunset pic? Ahhh you guys didnt have nothing to do anyway, right? lol

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Hawks Feather

Now that is the kind of bonding time that has to make you feel great!    :highclap:



 The bite is on here, looks like u had a great day!


Yeah well,,  :confused:  ,,  :shrug:  I'm jealous!!!!  :eyebrownod: :eyebrownod:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Now that's a civilized way to end a fishing trip!  My wife would go for that kind of fishing.  Way to go old man, and you scored big time points with your daughter.


That looked fun no matter which way I turned the laptop. :yoyo:
I say what I think not think what I say.