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Where I've Been...

Started by Coulter, October 10, 2016, 06:39:21 PM

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I know, I know...my presence here is so sporadic. At times I'm on here picking with you guys, other times it seems I'm a no show for months on end. I never forget about you guys though.

So what have I been up to this time? Oh, 4960 feet at one point, 4826 at another. My daughter and I finally finished climbing the Adirondacks 46 high peaks over 4000 feet back in May. So now we're officially 46R's...Here are a couple of shots from the last trip...

Mount Haystack - NY...

Yes, those specks are people on top...

Tori dropping down into the col between Little Haystack before climbing up Mount Haystack...

Coming up Basin for the last of the 46 peaks...

Uh oh, we might get a bit wet. There were squalls scattered all over when we reached the summit of Basin. Needless to say they caught up to us quick and we descended equally as quick.

My good side heading up the Saddleback Cliffs...Now this was fun! Tori said she'd just as soon jump out of plane than to climb the cliffs again. She actually enjoys sky diving though, so that's not entirely fair.

Then it was on to the Black Fly Challenge bike race through the Moose River Plains in June. I actually cut my time down substantially from the previous year. Of course the new wheels played a huge role in that. But it didn't whip my butt nearly as bad this time either...see I'm still smiling even with mud spattered all over my face.

More recently I finished up the 4000 foot peaks in New York state by hitting the remaining two in the Catskills. Okay, there may be one more unofficially that I will climb at some point (MacNaughton), but it isn't found on any list. An avid hiker actually died on MacNaughton this past winter due to hypothermia (and a major lack of being prepared for the conditions while losing her bearings).

My latest was just a few weeks ago in Vermont...I climbed 3 of the 5 4000 footers up there and have plans to go back next month to finish up the other two. Then it's off to New Hampshire to see how many peaks I can get climbed in a span of 3 or 4 days. Mount Washington will be at the top of that list, but it will depend largely on the weather.

Here's a summit shot of Mount Abraham in Vermont...

This white rock was near the summit of Abraham...it looked like a giant snowball. It was the only thing white in the vicinity. And I thought wood had some really cool and unique characteristics...this boulder was awesome!

As I mentioned in RiverBoss' post...these have all kind of become training climbs at this point. I leave next June for Washington state to climb Mt. Rainier via the Kautz Ice Chute. Better get some time spent on ice climbing this winter too :wo:

And I suppose I'll end this post with one for you Jimbo...Descending Rocky Peak Ridge at last light. Now that was an interesting story.

Thanks for looking,


Fantastic pics and post!
That's great that you and your daughter do so much together. 


Excellent pictures and story. Thanks for sharing.
The Second Amendment isn't about Hunting.
It's about Freedom.

Let's Go Brandon.  FJB


You and your daughter earned  :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie:
and my unending admiration.
I say what I think not think what I say.


For me!!??  :jump: It's awesome!..and wowwww what a journey, er I mean portfolio. :congrats:

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Dang Steve just looking at those pics wore me out.

Sent from my BLU STUDIO 5.0 C HD using Tapatalk


Thanks fellas...I'll try to keep the pics coming on future trips. They will certainly be getting better and better, especially with snow and ice threatening to cover the landscape. Let the games begin...time to bust out the full on winter gear soon :yoyo:

I have to get some experience at ice climbing this winter. Those will surely be some interesting pics :biggrin:



Very cool, Steve.  :biggrin: Thanks for sharing.  :congrats:

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


I hiked Philmont as a young man. I so wish to hike those trails again.

Love the pics.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Thanks guys...it was a pleasure. I couldn't imagine not being able to do what I do right now. I just wish I would've started this 15 years ago!


WOW!!  Thanks for sharing!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Wish I still had the physical strength and endurance to do likewise, once upon a time I did.  Now I can enjoy it through your postings and pictures.  Please don't stop posting about your "little" hikes. 

I once hiked the Grand Canyon, started on the north rim crossed over and hiked back on the south rim.  You and daughter need to do that.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


John...if and when I do come out to Arizona I will be paying you a visit. Unfortunately, it may not be until after Denali though. This climbing stuff eats up a lot of my vacation time.

My daughter was out there this past summer and did some hiking without me in the Grand Canyon and I believe Zion. She's back in Hawaii right now for more Navy Training. She's due back this weekend then it's up to New Hampshire for us to do some more climbing together before she deploys to Africa for a year. I'll be without a climbing partner for a while by the looks of it. Unless I can find some other unsuspecting soul that likes the cold and snow of an Adirondack winter. :eyebrow:
