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Housecat or Wildcat ?

Started by securpro, October 28, 2007, 10:28:29 PM

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I shot one that looked just like that last year. Only the one I shot had a long tail and a red collar. I couldn't see the collar or the tail before I shot. But looking through the scope I thought I was a bobcat.  :confused:

I felt really bad about shooting someones cat, so I had to go make another stand or two to get over it.  :doh2:
Ronnie Cannon



Quote from: centerfire_223 on October 29, 2007, 05:10:21 AM

I felt really bad about shooting someones cat, so I had to go make another stand or two to get over it.  :doh2:

:roflmao: :roflmao: Did it help Ronnie?
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Hey, watch it.  I have 6 cats.   That's right 6.   

I'm taking up cat ranching,  I figure with all the illegals moving in, I will make a fortune  :)

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Hey Al,

I didn't know it was legal to have a "Cat house" in your state. :eyebrow:
Be careful you don't get raided by the cops :roflmao:


THO Game Calls

ha ha ha  :)

I have no worries though.  The cops dont come around here anymore.  They know they are out gunned and out numbered.   If I did open a cat house, it would probably be considered civic development LOL.

My cats have all come from people droping them off when they move.   They just leave them to be on their own.   All except for the first one, Tibbs.   He is my sons cat.  Of couse, when he went off to college, he left the damn cat too. 

The area shelters do not have room for them.   They told us to just shoo them away.   You ever try to tell a cat anything?  They just look at you with that "have your people call my people and I'll get back to you" look.

Worthless.  All of them.  The first one, Tibbs was a cute little kitten.  Very lovable and freindly and playful.  That all changed the day my wife got him neutered.   He's still pissed off about that.

We got Max when my wife and her friend were going into a store a few years ago.  It was January and 10 degrees outside.  A car pulled up and they threw a box out the window to the sidewalk.  In the box was the most butt ugly kitten you have ever seen.   And sure enough, my wife brought him home.  I think he suffered some brain damage from that experience.   He thinks he is a dog.  I walk to the 7-11 and he follows right along.  Sits outside the door and then follows me home.  I used to leave the back screen door open in the summer so the cats could come and go like cats do, but Max has a habbit of running in the house, jumping in your lap and dropping a mouse for you.  And it aint always dead.  I keep him in hopes that one day he will do it to my wife just as she is dozing off on the sofa.  So far, he brings them all to me, but I keep hoping.

To give you an idea of the others, one is named Hobo, cause we have no idea where he came from and he comes and goes, one we call Scruffy cause it was living in the woods behind the house, and one we call No Name.   I also have one I call Gabby because it never shuts up. 

I'll tell ya, the Vet loves me.   They have all been fixed, have their shots and get their check ups.   Damn things live better than I do.  I swear one of these days I am going to have a neighborhood barbque.  I hear they taste just like chicken  :)


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When I got married I was the proud owner of several 'I hate Cats' books, calendar, etc. There was not a cat to be seen or mentioned during the courtship, yet onced hitched there it was.... and then there were more  :madd: When I got divorced, guess who ended up with them  :shck:

I make em stay outside though and have found more than one yote poop behind the house with interesting fur in it. Now if I could just get a shot  :eyebrow:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff

Hawks Feather

Al, your cats may make the neighbors happy.  Cat, it answers the question, "What's for dinner?"


I dont know about eating them but they sure do go good in trapping bait! :biggrin:



That thing wouldn't last long around here during bobcat season.   :nono:

Still, it looks like a house cat (face) with bobcat features to me.  Beautiful critter... none the less. 
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Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Is it a pixie-bob?

Years ago I was lookin into buyin a bob-cat for a pet buuutttt... the wife found out about them markin there territory and not bein able to punish them like a regular pet. So I looked at goin with a pixie-bob which is a mixture of bob-cat and a certain type of house cat. Some looked identical to a bobcat, some had the body shape of a bob-cat with solid colors and no spots. To end the story I never got either, ended up with a coyote.



When I was married a friend of mine was a mechanic. Out back of the shop was an old crappy car. A mother cat had baby cats in it. My friend when out to get the car so they can turn it into a race car. The mother cat took off and didn't come back so my friend took all the babies home. Well, as soon as my wife at the time saw those kittens the begging began.

I let her take one home under the agreement that if it pisses me off I get to off it!!

Well long story short. I am not a cat person but that cat (milo) was the best cat EVER! Super friendly, well minded, and fun to play with. I loved that cat.

Well I got a divorce and  I kept the Dog and she took the cat. I haven't seen that cat since. I miss that cat!!!

But the animal pictures sure is pretty!!!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


I don't know what kinda cat it is either for sure & I personally don't care for cats. But my wife loves em so I let her have ONE.  Then she wanted a 2nd cat so the 1st one had a buddy to play with. I said OK but when the 3rd cat comes in the door I go out. There will not be 3 in our house. She got the 1st cat from the cat shelter & it was deathly ill. I made her buy a cat that needed attention cuz otherwise it would never have a chance to live. So she got that cat. After 5 1/2 years the damn thing kinda grew on me.  :shrug:  Diane came home 2 months ago from work & found her behind the dresser with the TV cord wrapped around her neck. We're not sure how it happened but she was still breathing when found. Sadly Snickers was the picture of health at the Vets office the next AM when she slipped into a coma & became brain dead. We put her down by 8AM that day.   :sad: :sad:

Kinda funny how so many folks that don't care for cats can become attached to one isn't it?? :shrug:

I miss that cat too. :sad:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


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