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Ya just never know what you're gonna see....

Started by studabaka, February 17, 2008, 07:33:35 PM

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After getting back from LBL my plan was to do a bit of calling locally, but really focus on getting caught up on a bunch of stuff. Well that is kinda what I have been doing, but after a week I couldn't fight the urge to have at least a couple sets out. I keep thinking about this otter toilet [a real one...not Brent & Dave's version  :nono:] I ended up making 4 sets. Three were kinda my std foothold positioned under the water where they came to climb up the bank, but the 4th was kind of a wild hair set. a 220 in a ditch that sloped at about a 45 degree angle into the river with a tiny trickle of water running through it. It is just the perfect size for a 220 and I think I was thinking more along the lines of possibly catching a coon before it got down and messed up my foot sets. Well, the first night I lucked out....

A nice little female in that 220 and a great way to finish up the season by finally getting an otter off this spot I had previously tried, but just never connected  :confused: but instead of pulling the sets I reset  :shrug: No action the next 2 mornings and a bit of rain the second night put my three foothold sets under a few feet of water  :sad2:

But the water level had not risen enough to cover my 220 set.....

This time a good size male. I couldn't get to my other sets to pull them so  :wo: I reset  :shrug:

Nothing the next morning, but the water level was coming back down and they all looked good  :confused: so I left them  :shrug:

That was yesterday. I didn't sleep well last night. Kept waking up and when I rolled over to see the clock at 4:30am I decided I might as well get up. I headed out at first light to make a quick check of my extensive four set line. I walk down a little trail I had made through thick brush to el toileto.....

You can see the top of the river bank to the left. the river is to the right, and there is this thick brushy point that sticks out into the river a bit, and this kinda grassy alley inbetween as you look upstream from where I enter. Looking to the right....

you see the bit of backwater caused by the point and you can make out the top of this little ditch running down into it which is where the 220 is set. I check and see that there is nothing in the 220 as I step over the ditch and walk the 15 - 20 yards up this grassy area toward the upstream side of the point and where I have a couple of my foot sets. The grassy area is 'the toilet' and this morning it had lots of fresh activity, but in addition to the typical beaver and otter scat piles and beaver castor mounds, there were also several of these.....

I wove my way through it all, smiling and thinking there was a good chance I was gonna find something in my foot sets  :eyebrownod: and I did....

So I slide on down checking the other set which was undisturbed, dispatch the beaver with a 22 shot :confused: and remake the set  :shrug: I 'slide' back up the bank  :whew: pick up my beaver and start weaving my way through the 15-20 yards of grassy scat piles, castor mounds, and otter mounds  ;yes;

I'm about half way across when I hear a sound  :confused: sounded a bit like a trap firing  :confused: I take another couple steps and hear some more sounds  :shck: coming from about where my 220 set is located  :shck: a couple more steps and I look down the ditch toward my 220 set and see movement  :shck: and my first thought is it looks like a small beaver...... but I was mistaken and knew it as soon as I saw the tail......

I went to set the beaver down and found a fresh scat pile on the trail I had just walked in on 10 minutes earlier. This nice male must have come onto shore from downstream to make his morning 'movement' and high tailed it back down the ditch to the river when he heard me invading his privacy  :hahaha:

So today's catch from my extensive 4 set line looks like this.....

With half of it getting caught while I was actually there  :shck: :yoyo: That's a first for me  :readthis:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


 :congrats:  Great story, Stu and thanks for the pics!!  They really help tell the tale.   :congrats:


That's crazy! :yoyo: You're on fire Stu.  :congrats:
Thanks a lot for takin the time to take the pics and share em with us.  :highclap:


Lucky dog. We only have two weeks left in season but the water is still to high to get into the river.  I am planning on trying again this week. at least I can look at your pictures and see what one looks like.  Nice job stu. 



DUDE! :yoyo: :yoyo:

This is getting outta hand :bowingsmilie:
el toileto..... :laf:

Nice little write up buddy :wink:
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Hawks Feather

Nice write up there Mr. Lucky, Mr. Skilled, or Mr. Watchout when Brent sees this post.  Nice catches.


Todd Rahm

Hey Stu, thanks for sharing, and I for one have really enjoyed your photos and stories about your trapping adventures.  :congrats:

Thanks again,

Bills Custom Calls

Thanks for sharing Stu

Ain't nothing like getting to hear you traps snap  :congrats: :congrats:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call



Great job Stu...I have heard great trappers make great hunters!


Stu, Stu, Stu!!!!!!!!!! Your killen me! :biggrin: But I sure am glad your taking pictures! Thats a great story. After hearing the story on voice mail then seeing the pic's and story Im pumped up! Bad part is the water is to high here for me to even set. And the weather shows snow, rain and ice for the next 5 days! :madd:

I went down and looked at a state beaver job yesturday but I cant even get in to it yet. I cant set that coyote job we talked about the other night till I can get a few days of dry weather. Im going nuts here!

So keep posting pictures! Till I can get my fix! :biggrin: I like the play by play voice mails to! :biggrin:



I don't know anything about trapping, but the story and pictures were very educational. Thanks, and congratulations on your success.  Stu, did you make the basket in that second picture?

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing



Thanks guys...... way more a function of luck than skill. For some reason the otter just like this spot and I think catching the female at this time of year is what got the males coming around  :eyebrow:

Pat, I did not make that basket, though if I had a supply of cane I might give er a try. Looks like a pretty straight forward design.
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


Dang Stu...you old otter slayer you. Way to go man :yoyo: I've been itching to set my first beaver sets still. Maye this weekend if the weather finally cooperates. :huh:
