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Drags for coon?

Started by cathryn, February 27, 2008, 09:21:19 AM

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do any of you guys use them?

i do. heres a pic of what i use to catch coon.if you do use them, how do you think they do for you?

sleepycreek #11s with 4-5 foot of chain and a drag attached.


I have used them but I do not care for them that much. I don't like looking for my catch. I think a slide wire is better if your just trying to hide your catch. Time is money for me. If I spend a half hour looking for a coon thats a dozen more traps I could run. I try to run a hundred traps a day whem I am off work. and cut it to fifty when I am working. but I have talked to people who love them.



Same here. I tryed them for coons but didn't care for them either. I run allot of pocket sets for coon and mink. Its just as easy for me to drown them if I can and makes it much faster for me. Like Muss if I want to hide them I run a cable slide or re - rod slide to get them out of sight.



i think it has alot to do with where you set your taps. i set the small brushy runs that lead to the bigger water and i have no problem with havuing to hunt for my catch.

Theyre close because with 5 foot of chain they tangle up in the brush quick. If theres a root i will hook the drag around it also.

I have held even bobcats in the #11s with drag and they have hung up quick too.
i had one coon this season that went up a tree about 12 ft up but other than that i have had no probelem. My BF uses them too and between us we have caught over 250 coon this year alone. he has caught thousands of coon using drags in the 30 yrs hes trapped.

for the habitat im trapping con in, ill never use another stake fpor them.
I love the ease and speed of making the set when the traps are on the drag, no heavy bucket to carry and im in and out quick and po to the next location.

I wouldnt recommend them for people who are trapping open territory though cause they could haul ass on ya in the right situation.