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How good is a coyote's hearing?

Started by possumal, March 01, 2008, 09:49:26 AM

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I thought it might be an interesting thread to have some comments about how good we hunters think a coyote's hearing is compared to a man who has perfect hearing.  It is a given that canines can hear sounds that are of so high pitched that human ears cannot hear them at all, like the silent dog whistle for example.  I have always thought that a coyote's hearing, compared to a man's, is about 20 times as good.  I based this partly on what an animal scientist at the University of Ky. told me years ago, but I recently had an experience that makes me think differently.  My grandson, Josh, his friend Jason,  and I were high on a hillside in Mercer County, and were glassing in all directions.  Josh spotted a coyote beyond a bunch of deer in a bottom that was at least 3/4 of a mile from our position.  The wind was blowing from the coyote to us at about 8 mph.  I turned the FX-5 on full volume with the Female Invitational Howl, and the coyote immediately charged across that bottom, stopping at a pond dam about 500 yds away.  I gave him some Coyote Pup Distress at volume level 20, and he came on the dead run.  I muted the caller and stopped him at about 100 yds, and Josh's buddy, Jason, made his first kill on a called in coyote. It amazed us that he not only heard that caller from that far away, but responded so quickly. Quite naturally, old Jason is now hooked on coyote hunting.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

Jimmie in Ky

A documentary I watched the other nite claimed they could hear a mouse sqeak under a foot of snow at a 100 yards. How is that for hearing?

I have had a few come from a mile away that I know of using mouth calls. I could not get any closer to them due to permission on the properies and decided to give it a whirl anyway. I think thlay of the land helpwd me out a lot on those. A bit flatter than what I normally hunt. Jimmie


It's good, but I try not to over estimate it.

Uncle Jay

Lip squeaking @ 450 yards turned the coyote in this video: 
Uncle Jay

Jimmie in Ky

I was thinking about this last night. A certain spot has me wondering how much they use the terrain to aid them as well in their hearing. They do live out there and we just visit once in a while. They could cross this ridge in several places and only use those to return to th area. They all leave through the one gap every afternoon. I have heard things up there I should not have been able to hear that well. The winds are a big factor in this crossing point but I don't think they are the only reason any more. Jimmie


I would say there hearing is so good thats why some of them get blowed away by our calling when they are extremely close and we dont even know there around . I know you start your sets with not so loud calling at first ,then switch to louder, but I know im guilty of not starting out so quite sometimes.  :nofgr: :wo: