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Started by northern coyote, May 05, 2008, 10:03:11 PM

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northern coyote

a huntin buddy's bro  shot what could have been the new New York State record tom,  this thang had a 18.5" beard, 1+ spurs and weighed close to 35 lbs, but he threw away the beard, :madd: cause he shot it and didnt think it was worth keepin ( just a meat bird, which in my neck of the woods is all that really matters),

Just wanted to throw that out there for lack of some thing better to do  :shrug:

                                                                                  "Uncle" Jess
I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time


Sounds like one of my ignant buddies........ :laf:

It's all about the dinner fixings my friend........ :eyebrownod:
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northern coyote

naw, no pics  :shrug: the only digital cameras I know of around here belong to my ex and my sister, and my sisters is always dead  :madd:
I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time


Sounds kinda fishy to me............  :wo:



 :shrug:  Whats so fishy about 1"+ spurs??  :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

northern coyote

I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time


I am not saying that you are lying.........

It just looks fishy. Saying a freinds brother shot a state record bird and didn't keep anything except the meat. Could you buddies brother be telling the truth? Did you see it? If anyone I knew would have shot that thing they would have kept it. I am not saying it isn't true either, just that it looks suspicious. Re read what you posted and tell me that could not be taken that way.

I hope I did not offend ya, just calling it how I see it. I love to be proven wrong (which happens quite a lot  :hahaha: )

northern coyote

yeah, I seen the bird, but we never even realized what we had till we got home and pondered it over on the nwtf website for a spell
I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time


Where are the beard and spurrs?
One of my dear friends sent me a pic on my phone of a turkey and said "12 1/2" beard 1 1/2" spurs" I went over to his house and had tape measure in hand. Wound up being 10 1/2" x 1" Nice bird but a little exadurated only because he was excited and did not really know how to measure it.
I would  imagine 18 1/2" would more than drag the ground. :confused:


I can understand the throw the beard and other parts away.  I was brought up to not waste the meat.  When I was sixteen I shot the biggest whitetail of m life and Dad threw the head and hide in the dump with the rest of the dead farm animals.  Then in 86 I shot another fair buck [198 3/8] and was throwing it away also except that some dang fool trophy hunter seen it and said I had to measure it up.  Won some trophy that coolected dust for 5 years before I threw it out.  Hunting doesn't always mean bigger is better.
I say what I think not think what I say.