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Late evening hunt after rain

Started by possumal, June 16, 2008, 10:44:01 PM

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We had a hard rain late this afternoon, and my "Student", Chuck wanted to go for one late stand, so I gave in and off we went to a beautiful farm where the hay was mowed a few days ago.  There is a heavily weeded bottom with a creek winding below the vast hay fields.  We had just enough time to slip in and set up for one last stand for the day.  I started out with a howl, followed by Chuck on his Loren Reese dog howler.  Waited a few minutes, and let old Brent Saxton do his yip howl thing on the FX-5 which I had hung in a bush just off the edge of the mowed hayfield, about 125 yds from my position.  With about 15 minutes of light left, I went into one of my sequences, Coyotes & grey fox, followed by grey fox distress, getting weaker by the minute.  When it was almost too dark to see, a big male came slipping down a brushy draw that splits the hay field, on my side of the draw.  I was hoping Chuck would see him and get a shot, but it didn't work out that way.  I gave him a sharp "Whoop" when he was about 125 yds below me, 50 yds to left of the FX-5.  I put one of my favorite 70 grain Blitz King through his shoulder, ending his fawn killing days for good.  He was an extra nice male, but they have shed so bad now that they look much lighter than they actually are. 

Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Outstanding Al!!!!!!  :highclap: :congrats:

Keep it going there young'un.  :wink: :biggrin:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Bop, how I wish that young'un was accurate.  Just an old fart who likes to hunt yotes.  The heat and the insects sure take a lot of fun out of it though, coupled with them losing their fur.  That male tonight would have been a real beauty in the wintertime.  The farmer is losing calves though, and he wants them dead, regardless of the time of year.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Way to go Al.  :yoyo:
It's supposed to cool off a little and be dry for a few days. Maybe you can get a few more before the end of the week.


Nice job.  :congrats:
How was the mosquitoes out there
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Jim: Mosquitoes were not bad at all at this particular farm, but those damned ticks make me itch whether or not I actually have them on me.  I keep my clothes well treated with Permanone spray, but I hate to put much of the spray on that you apply directly to your skin. Sitting with your back against a tree, especially for 30 minutes or more, is an open invitation for those bastards to get on you. I found a big one last Sunday morning when I took my shower.  It makes me itch double when I think where he was headed when I discovered him! (lol)  I always draw a deep bath with a cup of bleach in it, and immerse all but my face and ears for about ten minutes. That will kill every last one of them or make them jump ship. I follow it up with a regular shower to get the bleach water off me when I am done.  I wonder if my marsupial cousins fear those creepy things as much as Possumal?  :laf: :laf:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Sounds like a great hunt.  Thanks for sharing the pics. :highclap: :highclap:




The 'Ol Possum done it again!   :congrats:






speakin of marsupials, Possumal, where i live in NH, we have a few possums now, never have before but they are slowly moving north and every now n then you see them road killed, kinda neat. We had a big un in the garage last year.


Hey Nastygunz: Marsupials tend to be a bit nomadic explaining their appearance in your neck of the woods.  I have done a good deal of research on the Possum Clan, which has been around since prehistoric times, virtually unchanged, grinning even in death as demonstrated in the road kills.  To my knowledge, Possumal is the only upright walking, English talking, non nocturnal marsupial alive today, and may be the only one who ever lived in such a non typical possum manner.  To realize that this possum calls in coyotes while most of my cousins run the other way is a point of merit.  So far, I haven't found any other marsupials of any type who tote Browning rifles, range finders, decoys, scents, and other goodies.  Ah, it sure am fun!!  :laf: :eyebrownod: :nono:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Hey Al

I hope you eat a little better diet than the rest of your clan cousins!  :biggrin: 

In West Kaintuckee we got a sayin'...."He's grinnin' like a possum eatin' chit"    :roflmao:




Bob D

Congratulations on another successful hunt . Question for you? What do you mean when you say you go into another one of your sequences? Is that a recording of yours on the Foxpro or is it a combination of hand calls that you are using? If it is a recording, do you share those with others  or what?


Quote from: alscalls on June 18, 2008, 04:51:47 PM
AL, Will you be at the LBL?

I have promised Weedwalker, KeeKee, and Bopeye that I will do my very best to get there this year.  It is a bad time of year for me though, as it coincides with the time so many of my farmers have cows calving, and the coyotes really do their business at that time of year.  I have lots of exclusive hunting rights property, most under lock and key, and I can't let those people down to do something I want to do.  It is also some of the best hunting time in my part of the state, but I will sincerely try to work it into my schedule. There are so many of you crazy nuts that I want to meet face to face. 
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Quote from: Bob D on June 18, 2008, 08:31:09 PM
Congratulations on another successful hunt . Question for you? What do you mean when you say you go into another one of your sequences? Is that a recording of yours on the Foxpro or is it a combination of hand calls that you are using? If it is a recording, do you share those with others  or what?
I make a lot of sequences with Goldwave that last as long as ten minutes, with pauses and interaction between coyotes and prey, including a period where the prey gets weaker and weaker, real natural.  You can download some of my better sequences at www.varmintal.com under "Coyote hunting" in the index.  The idea of the sequences is it allows you to punch one time on the remote and then just watch, no movement of any kind, which allows you to totally concentrate on your field of view.  I even have some of my own hand call sounds recorded and included on my sequences. 
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I wold love to talk with ya about them yotes that is for sure.........I will try and be there but I do not know if I can get away from work....... :confused: Mabey I will quit work and go. :biggrin: