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Started by nastygunz, July 05, 2008, 10:36:27 AM

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yesterday I figured I needed some manly outdoor time so I waited till late afternoon and went out to a good fox spot with my camera and fx3....im calllin using the wounded woodpecker....the corn is about 2 feet tall...i spot movement....something coming right at me.....im ready to click....the critter pops out of the corn about 20 feet from me.....its an old Beagle from the farm!....lmao....she comes over tail just a-wagging, I scatched her ears and she flops down beside so I switch to rodent squeaks for awhile and keep ear scratching....didnt see anything else but it was a cool little moment in time....who can resist a beagle? :highclap:


How was the bugs?
I think were being taken over by biting gnats right now.
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Right in that spot not bad but in general the mosquitoes are vicious around here.......the smell of cow manure was brutal....but im from the country we call it country cologne....i think i grew an inch taller just from the smell haha...speakin of country just talked to my beloved 80 yr old mother, she filled me in on the family goings on, the 6 yr old nephew just got in trouble for whittling a bow n arrow set then shooting the cat! :hahaha: :yoyo:...he had to improvise, adapt and overcome by building a bow as his red ryder bb gun was confiscated for going on a shooting spree on his grannies bird feeder one day....oh hell yeah hes a handful :roflmao:


Quote from: nastygunz on July 05, 2008, 02:00:52 PM
the 6 yr old nephew just got in trouble for whittling a bow n arrow set then shooting the cat! :hahaha: :yoyo:...he had to improvise, adapt and overcome by building a bow as his red ryder bb gun was confiscated for going on a shooting spree on his grannies bird feeder one day....oh hell yeah hes a handful :roflmao:

HECK YEAH!!! My kinda kid!! He needs to hook up with my knothead.  :yoyo: :highclap:
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LMAO Bopeye, I SWEAR  I was almost going to post and see if we could ship him to hangout with your young lion for a week haha....they sound like 2 birds of a feather :eyebrow:


The BB gun incident happened on a visit to grandmas, while the older folk were inside visiting, he was outside with his 17 old brother who wandered off so the kid was sitting on the porch hammering the bird feeder with the bb gun, 5 confirmed kills....well ole granny came out and busted him....hes lucky shes older, 20 years ago he would have needed a proctologist to get that bb gun out of his behind haha :hahaha:


In todays news two six year olds go to jail for killing an elk with a homemade bow and arrow and Daisy Red Rider.  :laf:

It would be bad.  :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Yupp the boy is long on initiative but short on stealth, he always gets caught! :innocentwhistle:

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We all got a start somewhere.Now being the good Uncle you should take him out to the edge of the yard and tell him he has a head start if someone were to yell at him :laf:

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I don't which story makes me smile more - the beagle, or the nephew?  :wo:
:biggrin:  :biggrin:  :biggrin:


Me and 2 of my brothers, dont know what possessed us, maybe the pack mentality, but we stalked and shot my Pa in the Butt-ock :biggrin:...while he was mowing the lawn, with a bb gun. Then instead of slithering away in stealth mode like ninja-apache-ghost warriors, we panicked and stampeded and he busted us and man did he whup our arses! :madd:.........LMAO....this being back in the day when a tanning didnt turn you into a mad serial killer, which apparently it does now :doh2:..it just made you listen to your Pa!!..hehe when we get together with him now we always bring that up haha.