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went after the cantallope killer................................

Started by LBLDOG, September 02, 2008, 11:10:27 AM

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I have had some coyotes after my dads cantalopes and water melonsin his garden. My dad has actually seen one packing off a cantalope. I thought "what the heck" , Ill go, man was it hot 25 minutes before daylight this morning. I had forgotten the reason I dont bow hunt early (WOW ,the humidity) I managed to call 4 crows in and that was it! I still had a good time and getting out in the woods.  The watermelons had claw marks on them where the yotes was scrathing on them . the cantalopes would be half eaten about 40 yards from the garden. 


Just a thought but trapping would work.  Up here they can go after carrots and I have seen them dig up entire rows of them.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Todd Rahm

I think one of those E-Callers has a melon in distress sound thats been perty productive.

Todd whispers  Actually, truth be known, it is really a recording of a pumpkin in distress being carved up into a jack-o-lantern for Halloween   :innocentwhistle:

Ya might even get one of these fine custom call fellas to tune a call to match that sound, but come to think of it, now that its been mentioned, someone is probably already working on marketing one.  :innocentwhistle: :roflmao:


I know just how to make that particular call........... :innocentwhistle:
Really though.........I would try taking a melon an smashing it against a tree and rubbing it all over the tree as high as I could reach to get the scent into the air good. Then just wait :eyebrow:




In my neck of the woods you jut dont mess with a mans lopes n melons... :argh: :doh2:


I bet Telle Tubby already has a melon in distress call. He warped the red amphibian in the head and it sounded like a melon being thumped. Then all he had to do is mimic the sound.  :eyebrownod:
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