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Ill let you know how I ?

Started by LBLDOG, September 18, 2008, 08:55:51 PM

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Its Thursday and I just got back from LBL shooting range. I took my BUSHMASTER with my EOTECH512  for a little fun and also my WALTHER P-22 .  I got home and couldnt stand it anymore , I called a land owner I know thats been hearing some yotes and told him I would be over Friday night before dark. I will be taking the BUSHMASTER , I got this rifle back a few months ago and have only shot with it at the LBL range. I will post some info regardless what the outcome is tommorow night stay tuned ................................................................................................... :yoyo:


Good luck and even if it's bad luck always HAVE FUN.
I say what I think not think what I say.




You we could quite possibly be looking at the new bushy's first blood? :eyebrow:
Good luck. :wink:
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