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Did four stands today . . . .

Started by Frogman, October 01, 2008, 08:16:17 PM

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One this morning by myself near the house and three this afternoon with wv_yoter.

This morning I decided to try calling a field not too far from the house.  Until a few weeks ago I didn't think we had many coyotes nearby.  But after the one from the porch I decided there may be others.  Here is a photo of my setup at about 8:15 AM this morning.

The wind was in my face, the quiver Critter and Scorpion are a little ways to the right of the unmowed area about 75 yards from me.  After starting with a high pitched mouth call I went to the Screaming Rabbit sound on the Scorpion.  30 minutes into the stand a coyote came out of the thicket to my left about 50 yards away and went straight for the Scorpion.   As soon as he saw the Quiver Critter he spun around and ran back into the thicket before I could get the scope on him.  He had not crossed my path out to the Scorpion, but may have smelled the fox pee I sprayed near the decoy.  Either the decoy or the scent spooked him and saved his life.  I really don't think he saw me.  I'll try him again another day!!

This afternoon Jason and I did three stands and finally got rained out before the final stand which we thought would be our best.  That's why we were saving it for just before dark, but a rain squall caused us to cancel til another time.

Here is a photo of the location for our first stand this afternoon. . . .

You can see Jason setting up near the edge of the field.  We spent about half an hour here with no response to our calling.

Our third stand was here . . . .

The Scorpion is way out there at least 100 yards from me in the tree near the cattle.  Jason set up across from me so we would be able to see both sides of the meadow as well as behind us.  Here you can see Jason across from me . . . .

He is just to the left of the left hand light colored trees.  We stayed here til nearly 5:00 PM  doing some distress sounds and some howling before we were hit by one of those rain squalls that came through this afternoon.  No response, except for the cattle and the turkey buzzards that came in and checked us out.

Our final stand was supposed to be at a new property we just recently gained access to near Jason's house.  Unfortunatly another rain squall prevented us from completing this stand.  It looked really good though.  Maybe another day!!! 

I had a great day out and just wish I had been faster on the rifle this morning.  At least I don't think I spooked that dog too much and either he or one of his pack mates will get chance to appear in a hero shot sometime soon!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Jim, maybe next time the rain won't get us.


I'm not seeing any dead coyotes :biggrin: :wink: :sneer:

........or underwear :innocentwhistle:
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You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Quote from: FinsnFur on October 01, 2008, 08:58:05 PM
I'm not seeing any dead coyotes :biggrin: :wink: :sneer:

........or underwear :innocentwhistle:

So ya's wanting to see Frogman's underwear, huh, Jimbo?    I think that computer geek stuff has finally pushed ya over the edge.   :nono:

BTW, nice story and great pics, Frogman.   When you set the caller out in the field, do you walk directly out in the open to set it up or do you go around the edge to keep from being seen?    :wo:


I'm going to try an aerial photo of my morning set up.  The last time I tried this it didn't come out so well.  I f you guys can make it out please feel free to critique my set up.  I need all the help I can get.  Here is the map . . . . .

Here are the three photos I took . . . .

I hope this shows up OK!!  Almost got one here!  Maybe some of you can help me set up better next time.  Or maybe I just need to shoot faster!?!?


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Another question.  Why did you set the caller out 100 yards.  Seems like setting it closer might be better.  ?? 


I wanted to give the coyote plenty of room to come to the caller downwind yet still be between me and the call, which is exactly what happened.  He was just too quick in, and out. 

I don't know what spooked him to leave so quickly.  I'm confident he did not see me or smell me.  It seemed that as soon as he saw the decoy he turned around and went back the way he had come in.  The last two or three that I have called out into fields like this have come straight in to the call without stopping to check up.  They have came in fast.  The one Alscalls killed a few weeks ago did the same thin in a very similar setup.

I had heard a pack of coyotes in the holler to the left (South) of where I set up a couple of weeks ago.  So I was confident there were some in there.  If I set the caller up closer to where I was sitting the coyotes would more likely come in behind me trying to get downwind of the e-caller.  If they did that they would smell my path into the setup.

My path out to set up the decoy and e-caller was straight out through the meadow and straight back.  That way if a coyote came to the call from my left or right I hoped to have time to kill him before he smelled my path out to the e-call location.  I hope this makes sense.  This was my thinking in setting up as I did.  What do you guys think.  Was my thinking and setup OK or do you have some suggestions?  I will definitely go back to this location in a few days.  Your critique and suggestions would be helpful. 

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Looks to me like you did everything right except you used a decoy. In my opinon, decoys are a wash. Half are afraid and the other half could be killed without one. I've seen way too many coyotes shy away from them and I quit using them years ago except for cats.


I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.


Jim, OK, I understand now what you were trying to do.  Makes sense.    :wink:


Randy & Semp,
     Thanks for your replies.  I am thinking about putting the Scorpion in that brushy area that has not been mowed, and not using the decoy.  That way the coyote will have to search a little bit for where the sound is coming from and may give me time for a shot???  What do you thinK??

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Just looking at the picture. I would point my gun either way left or way right depending on where I thought the coyote would come from. In other words, have your gun pointed towards the area which represents the most difficult shot. Lots of times I see guys who have their gun pointed right down the wide-open area. How foolish. You have all the time in the world if a coyote shows up at the easy shooting place.  When you sit down, look the place over and pick the area that a coyote could pop-in and pop-out and put your gun on that spot. This could be a pond dam, a brush line, a small hill, or the edge of a ditch.  When the coyote appears, simply shut the caller off. You now have a hidden caller. Most of the time, I hang mine in a bush or tree anyways.

Many people put way too much emphasis on camo, decoys, brands of ecallers, and the sounds. When it gets right down to the nut-cuttin, it is how a person handles a coyote which determines the outcome. You gotta know when to hold-em and when to fold-em. Only experience can teach a person that.



I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.


Did ya throw out any persimmons?....... :laf:
Sounds like you all had fun Jim.
I barked at the one I killed to stop him and still had very little time to shoot. Did you do that or just hope he would stop? :shrug:


Quote from: RShaw on October 01, 2008, 09:54:54 PM
In my opinon, decoys are a wash. ... I quit using them years ago except for cats.


Are you saying that you only use decoys for hunting bobcats, or that cats are the only decoys you'll use?  :confused:

If cats are the only decoys you'll use how do you set them out?   :wo: 
I know how to get'em there ...

... just not sure how to stake 'em out?:shrug:


I only use decoys when I am hunting bobcats. My sentence was a little confusing.


I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.


Oh darn!  I was hoping you were on to something.  :innocentwhistle:
:laf:  :laf:  :laf:


     I squeeked on the bulb squeeker I have mounted on the fore end of my rifle.  The coyote didn't seem to hear it.  By then it was almost back in the woods.  Should have mouth barked like you did I guess.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Frogman:  I doubt that your decoy scared the yote. They are dead on enemies with the red fox, and maybe he was a young yote and the fox urine spooked him.  Lot of maybe deals involved here.  R. Shaw's point about setting up with your rifle heading towards the most likely entry spot for the yote is right on. The type of shooting sticks you use enters into this somewhat too. The bogpod rotates 360 degrees, making it easy to switch aiming points.  The debate about decoys will go on from now on in all likelihood.  I have had good luck with decoys, but don't use them on all stands. I can't think of a single time that I ever had a coyote spook when he saw the decoy.  They usually switch to video mode, lay their ears back, and concentrate on the decoy around old Ky.. Another point worth considering is to make sure Jason's face isn't glowing in the sunshine where he was sitting. You always want to set up in the shade if at all possible.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I guess the debate will continue about the effectiveness of decoys when used for coyotes. Judging by the picture and your description of the coyotes body language, it was the decoy that scared him. I use red fox urine on almost all of my coyote sets. It catches young and old alike.


I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.