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I missed too . . .

Started by Frogman, November 16, 2008, 01:40:30 PM

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On Friday morning 11/14/08 I went to my lease with two friends.  They were squirrel hunting and looking for deer sign.  I climbed up in my ladder stand and spent the morning calling predators and watching for deer.  Since I planned to stay in the stand most of the morning I played some distress sounds for a few minutes then several minutes of silence just watching and listening.  After an hour or so I gave up on getting any predators in and turned on the "fawn distress" sound on the Scorpion which I had placed out to my left in the woods about 75 yards.  I was hoping to bring an a doe or other deer.  after running the sound continuously for several minutes i noticed movement down the hill to my left front.  The time was 9:50 AM.  A small grey colored bobcat was stalking the Scorpion and "fawn distress" sound.  My ladder stand is a $50.00 one with just a seat and foot platform with no gun rest.  I had to shoot offhand (excuse1).   :innocentwhistle:  The range was about 75 yards (excuse2).    :innocentwhistle:  The angle of the shot was considerably down (excuse3).     :innocentwhistle:  This bobcat was really small (excuse4).    :innocentwhistle:  I really should not have missed this shot.  Al's wife would have hammered this cat.  Anyway when the gun cracked the bobcat took off.  I shot a couple more times as it got into the brush.  More misses???   :doh2:   :doh2: :rolleye:   :rolleye:

Sorry Al for ragging on you for your miss.  Like I said, it can happen to any of us.  :wo:

I did see a small buck below me in a low gap at about 11:00 am.  It appeared to be a 4 point.  After lunch we did some more deer scouting.  I jumped eight deer in an old overgrown clear cut.  All I saw was tails and one doe.  Between the three of us we found 29 scrapes.  Some of which were larger around than a bushel basket top.

Sorry, no photos this time.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


So you really missed three (3) Times?............. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Had to do it Jim :laf: Just had to....... :innocentwhistle:


Wellll now,
      You really can't call the other shots "misses".  More like shooing that cat on out of the area so it wouldn't spook any real predators or deer.   :shrug:

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Frogman how is the rut going up there in WV? I will be headed that way for Thanksgiving.
Ronnie Cannon



I watched two of em fight a little yesterday and chase some.........but they are still bunched up in the fields here in WV
This colder weather should turn em on hard :eyebrownod: Highest temp all next week is 43 :eyebrow:


Hey ...223,
      Three of us saw 29 scrapes on our scout on Friday.  As Al says this cold spell this next week should get the deer stirred up.  We should get together and get in a few stands while you are in WV.  Didn't you and wv_yoter hook up last year? 

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Ronnie, I seen an 8 point mounted on a doe a couple of days ago on my way to work. I have seen several other bucks chasing does.