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Apprentice coyote hunter.

Started by yucca, November 09, 2008, 03:23:07 PM

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Got our coyote calling apprentice out hunting this AM. It was our first day out so far this season. The weather is now cool enough and the furs are looking pretty good so we figured it was a good time to start off the season.
The first stand of the morning Clair busted this coyote with some 4buck. We were about 5 minutes into the stand and the coyote came down a draw about 30 yds from Clair. We continued calling for a few more minutes with no other takers.

Clair and Kevin recapping the first stand of the season.

We will be able to save this fur. The apprentice can skin him.

Next stand,
The next stand the apprentice (Kevin) and I set up back to back in an elevated position so we could almost cover both sides of the stand. Clair set up to cover the only area we could not cover. A few minutes into the call I see Clair looking in the direction Kevin was watching. All of the sudden I hear loud coyote footsteps followed by the sound of Kevin moving to lift his shotgun. I heard the coyote hit the brakes and a shotgun blast. The coyote laid dead exactly seven yards from the barrel  of Kevin's 870 express.
This was 15 year old Kevin's first killed coyote. He saved up some money and was able to buy his own shotgun this summer. We are proud of Kevin on his first kill.

Kevins first ever coyote.

We will not be able to save the fur on this one after a close range shotgun blast.

Mass confusion,

The next three stands were very confusing. The third stand started with me missing a coyote that was hanging out about 200yds. I second guessed myself and took a bad shot at a stopped coyote that more than likely would have come in much closer. The next few stands did not get any better. We ended up calling in seven coyotes in five stands. The last two stands of the morning there were no takers.

All in all we made a few mistakes (rusty from the offseason) but we had fun. The best part of the morning was Kevin killing his first of many to come coyotes.


Way to go. :congrats: And congrats to Kevin on his 1st coyote. :yoyo: Looks like you had a great day.


Congratulation to Kevin  :highclap: :highclap: and thanks for the story and pictures. Keep em coming.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Big piece of rasin pie to Kevin for taking his first coyote. May there be many more!!!
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Congrats sir on the first :highclap:
And thanks for bringing us the pics. Nice looking coyote to boot.

So what is cooler temps in AZ actually like? :eyebrow:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on November 09, 2008, 04:54:27 PM

So what is cooler temps in AZ actually like? :eyebrow:

Not sure about AZ but here in NM this am's temp was 36 degrees.


Congrats to KEVIN  :congrats: Hope he gets many more.



Congrats to Kevin on his 1st coyote........I hope he shows us many many more :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:       WAY COOL! :wink:


 Congrats to Kevin! And special Kudos for saving up and buying his own gun. :yoyo:


Oh I thought ya was in AZ. My bad  :doh2:
36 is pretty cold for down there, I'll give ya that. I was hoping I could taunt ya with our temps lately but I think you got us beat by about 4 degrees :eyebrownod:
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Congrat's on the first coyote. :yoyo: :yoyo: Thank's for the story and pic's  :bowingsmilie:  Feel proud you deserve too.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Foxpro Staff Infection Free


By the sounds of it, I wish there were more 15yr olds like Kevin in this country!  :congrats:


I think its great to introduce a person to hunting  :congrats: :congrats:


Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Way to go Kevin. Great pictures.