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When to keep your cool

Started by Jerry Hunsley, November 20, 2008, 08:21:51 PM

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Jerry Hunsley

Not long ago I went out to a place I have been hunting coyotes for years. I don't have to let the rancher know when I'm coming, just have at it. It was a perfect evening and wind direction was just in the right direction to where I wanted to call. I went through the pasture to a place that had a large drainage that went directly into a dog town. Perfect spot as I have called several out of there in years past. I parked my pickup in a little dip and waited about five minutes and then proceeded to creep over the hill and get setup. I was just getting ready to cut loose and I saw somthing down at the bottom and it was the rancher driving slowly along checking his water tanks. I was pissed but just got up and went back to the pickup with ole wiley my dog. We waited for the rancher to come up to the gate. The first words out of his mouth were "I just saw two coyotes run out ahead of me "  I just chuckled to myelf , visited with him a llittle and left.  I went to another spot but didn't have any luck. I will get those coyotes shortly though when I put my snares and traps out. The deer season is on and I haven't put anything in on his place yet.   I tried trapping at another place accross the river before deer season but no luck. Pictures will come later.  You know, when you get a place like that to call and trap it was a time to keep my mouth shut and go on my way.


Keep after em Jerry....can't wait to see some pics :corn:


That's the mark of an experience coyote hunter.  No sense biting the hand that feeds you. 
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Yeah, that'd be a tough one.  :eyebrownod:
But I think you did the right thing :congrats:
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Getting interupted on a good stand is frustrating.  Al and I got a call from the landowner where Al had killed a coyote earlier.  The guy told us that the meadows had just been mowed and he had been hearing coyotes every night.  So Al and I made plans to go back and call the farm again.  So we set up a little different against some hay bales with the Scorpion and the decoys out from us about 100 yards in the meadow.  I don't think we had even started calling when out through the meadow from the farmhouse comes a pickup with two guys in it.  They saw the decoys then us.  With the windows rolled down we heard, "Hey look there, those two guys must be coyote hunting."  "Hey guys are you doing any good, killed any coyotes yet?"  "We just came to get the tractor."  I held my finger up to my lip trying to shush them, they turned the pickup around, said they'ed be back later for the tractor and drove off.   Our hunt was ruined.  If they had said, "Hey look those guys must be groundhog hunting."  We might have been OK to continue the stand, but now every coyote with in hearing distance knew we were coyote hunting.  Al and I aren't stupid, we know when we are beat, we packed it in.

Al I hope you remember this the same as I do!?!?

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Yes it ia annoying when the guy's show up but on the other hand not having to run and try and get out of there because you have permission is priceless.   Had a landowner bring me a live bait yesterday,  "shoot it where you want it" he said, and he left with my truck.  Good relationship is a must.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Frogman. You are my equal when it comes to being full of shiite muslim.  :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free




Thanks!  Bop,
      I take that as a compliment.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I just hate when farmers/ranchers run around all over the place like they own it or sumtin!  :madd:


I had one today I had what I believed to be a Bobcat coming in after calling for 20 min. and BOOM Farmer sighting in his rifle not 100 yds. from me :argh:
I just left and tried again :shrug: