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January double

Started by Bob D, July 25, 2006, 09:12:52 PM

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Bob D

 This was a double I called in January 2006. Rusty ( the game warden on  the Buckmasters show) got the female as the pair ran into the field we were set up in. The male ran into the woods about 400 yards away. I went to the pup distress on the Foxpro and let it run for several minutes before I see the male coming back toward me and the jack in the box decoy. He would walk a ways and sit, walk and sit. I got him out about a 100  yards plus . I love it  when a plan comes together.


Good deal. Nothing wrong with a highly sought after double :highclap:
Good job in closing the deal.
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Yep nothin like it when things work like ya want em to. :yoyo:
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle


Cool! Sounds like a good days hunt!


Brad H

Every now and then it's nice to have things go your way. :congrats:



Way to go  Bob :congrats:

Are you a friendly conservation officer also?


Bob D

No I'm not a game warden. Rusty is an old friend of mine. I built his house for him about 15 years ago.


Good deal Bob. Doubles are all ways nice. But they are even better when you have to work for them. To me it is more rewarding.

