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Lightweight,cheap, adjustable height motion decoy.

Started by nastygunz, November 30, 2008, 01:03:13 AM

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I have been looking at various types of decoys for some time...at this point didnt really want to buy an electronic one and shell out batteries and such.....been meaning to make one of the simple but effective feather motion decoys...so I did!...heres my version which is lightweight, works and is height adjustable.

Materials used (scrounged) were a plastic case of the type that you buy bulk blank cds in...a $5.00 telescoping 5.5 lightweight fishing pole, some fishing line, feathers, old lead weights and a hot glue gun(optional), paint and a razor knife.

I dusted a quick coat of green on the cd case, then opened it up and glued to old fishing sinkers inside the bottom part to give the base some weight and stability.......I then cut a roundish hole in the center of the top of the cd case....I placed the butt or handle of the fishing pole in this, using it as the holder.

I took the fishing pole which collapses to about a foot long and extends to 5'5 feet tall, and snipped off all the line guides except the top one.....then I attached a small plastic clamp to the top guide....with a clump of feathers and some fishing line attached to the clamp......DONE!!!

Heres some of the advantages of my high tech design over the old standby decoy made with line a feather and an old arrow shaft.....ever try driving an old arrow shaft into frozen NH ground in the winter time?....my design sits on anything, snow, frozen bare ground, sand, in water, pretty much anywhere with no penetration needed so it is all terrain.

The fishing pole telescopes so you can match the height of your decoy to the area your hunting, tall grass, brush, short grass, etc.....and if hunting in the woods you can just use the decoy pole or take the clamp off the pole and clamp it onto a tree branch with just the clamp, line and feathers.....you can open the cd case base and store your clamp, line and feather decoy inside of it for a handy carrying case....the whole package is feather light(pun intended) and easily carried....and cost next to nothing.

Here are some photos of the build: