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Responding to a group howl ?

Started by BigB, November 28, 2008, 01:48:33 PM

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I was hunting in a brand new area last night.  I know there are coyotes in the area because I have seen them.  I started my stand with 3 interrogation howls - not a loooooooooong howl, and not a short challenge howl, just 3 nice regular length howls.

Immediately after that, there was a group of coyotes that opened up with a group howl mixed with some barks and yips.  They were about a half to 3/4 of a mile away.

Here's the question.  What do you do next to get them to come into where you are at?  I have had this scenario happen to me quite a few times opver the past couple of years, and the end result is that I don't see anything of them at all.  I've tried a group howl, challenge howls, rabbit distress, ki yi's and about everything I can think of in these situations, and haven't gotten them to show themselves after they do their group howl.

Have you had any luck after hearing a group howl, or do you try a different location the next time you call that is closer to where they did the group howl?


hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech


I think that many times they are just communicating with the coyote or coyotes you represent. If you can. use a sneaky route and slip in closer to them and go into your distress calls and keep your eyes open. I have had success doing that many times.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

Bills Custom Calls

I am really glad you asked this question.I have had the same thing happen and I will be waiting
to read the responses

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


This has been discussed a lot here and on other forums.
I still say there is no text book situation that will apply to all scenarios.

I get a lot of responses to lone howls here myself. I think more times then NOT, one or more will approach if they can. Meaning if territories do not overlap between you and them. But the only way your going to know, especially if your cold calling and dont really no any of their travel routes, is to wait it out.
If one is coming, it's most likely that your gonna get the sneak put on ya.

I like to set tight for roughly 45 minutes, and if I see nothing after that I will move in closer towards the replying coyotes and howl again. And having one come in during that 45 minute standoff is nothing new :nono:

This is one of many tactics that segregates Eastern Coyote hunters from our Western brother. You tell someone out West that you do this and it works, and they will think your plumb loco.
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Jimmie in Ky

I have better luck moving after they answer. Then hit them with some type of distress. I have used lone howls for calling during th daylight hours when they are not likely to answer and had them come in. So go figure. Jimmie


I agree with Jim..Stay put and howl your ass off. They will show up, alot of times I give em different pitches to sound like several different coyotes. They don't usually come bustin in but.....1 or 2 coyotes, nine times out of ten show up.




Jerry Hunsley

I rhink on the same lines as Jim. Sit tight. Most of the time I don't do anything. Once in awhile I will howl again and then shut up and wait. I will stay on stand a long time and just watch. Then I will throw in a hurt pup and wait somemore. I am a firm believer in not over-calling, just enough to peak their interest. Curiosity gets the best of them.  Patience is a key in my book. Works for me. If you hear them howl and they are a great distance away, try getting in a little closer and just a few yips or hurt pup. Works out here West.


I wonder if the coyotes are thinking the same thing :biggrin: Stay here are move over to where we heard the other coyote. :laf:



Depends on where the territorial lines are CCP :shrug: :wink:
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Our night season starts Jan. first and we will try this and report back. :eyebrow: