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Field I call coyotes in.

Started by HaMeR, January 02, 2009, 07:45:22 PM

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I got to playing around with some things on this box this is what I came up with.

The white circle is where I believe they are holing up a lot. It is a hollow that runs NNE to SSW. The white lines extending out are known travel routes to the fields. The dark blue lines are known deer & coyote travel routes as well. The white line on the right is an old Farmers trail from the hay field down to the pasture below. I know they run this path too but I haven't found a definite path in & out of the white circle. It's thick down thru there. The red scribbles is the general area of where 1 coyote came from & got shot at the X in the hay field after it crossed the black top road. The other red line is where the other coyote came from & where it got shot at. The green lines were the bullet path from me to the coyotes. The light blue lines are from the e-caller in the middle of the field on the crest & from my position with a hand call.  The purple line is where the truck was parked.
Now I just need to figure out how to make the picture bigger.  :confused:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


 :whew: wheww I'm glad you didnt need any other colors :laf:

To make the picture bigger, trim off the stuff you dont need by outlining the picture and cropping only the map section out of it.
The pictures can only be so big for the board, and it will automatically resize them to the legal limit if they are over. Your using almost half your allocated size in by showing us your entire desktop, the furniture around you and the foot rest.

Ok, maybe not the footrest, but the rest can be cropped out to gain some size.  :laf:

I've got pics sizes for the board not to exceed 600x600 or they'll get automatically resized :wink:

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Bills Custom Calls

I was gonna say all that but Jim beat me to it

So Yeah what he said  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


   The F-11 key will toggle your desk top on and off.  Try that!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


not sure this worked but i tried
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


Yeah HaMeR you might as well have done like this... :roflmao:

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:roflmao: :roflmao:

Thanks for all the help guys. Guess I'll have to do some more splorin around on this stuff.  :wink:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


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Jimmie in Ky

Good setup. But one thing everyone forgets is the fact the group is spread out a bit more than that. Not all of them will be bedded in that hollow at one time.  From th looks of th photo anything connected to that hollow is a likely candidate. But you have the right idea, follow those tracks backwards .

And Jim, that stache did not improve youu any at all . Ithink it is impossible to improve on that mug  :puke: Jimmie


QuoteBut one thing everyone forgets is the fact the group is spread out a bit more than that.

Jimmy is right.  (did i just say that)  :huh:

I think when we hear of core areas people tend to think very small like the coyotes are all together. I usually find the core areas to be 5 to 20 acres. Once I find the core area I try to find a place they can link up before getting to me and come in feeling safe.

Think of it like this.Why do coyotes yelp and use assembly vocals in the afternoon at dusk? because they are spread out over this core area which can be fairly large.

Here a group of coyotes  have several core areas on there route.Now days locating these core areas and figureing out when there at a particular one is hard for me because I dont have enough time to spend in the field. Back in the 80's I had more time and land to hunt and could figure out the "when they were there part".

obviously you made a good stand selection at the time"you seen coyotes". Just remember setup changes as the season changes and pressure changes.


Jimmie in Ky

I think it is even largeer than that. But it also depends on what cover may be available in that particular area. If all the have is a few small woodlots over several square miles there may be a coyote or two in each one of them. But an area like that they will allbe in that square mile. Jimmie


The coyotes are all over those woods in the picture. That's just where I got to smack 2 of them. I was calling down in the hollow to the left of the long plowed field one AM. I had a coyote come across the blue line just about 1/2 way out to/from the road. The wind was blowing toward the road up thru the hollow. I had the road for a backstop of sorts. The coyote just wouldn't come down into the woods for me tho. He never got downwind of me that I know of. The damn thing just barked & barked. After about 2 minutes it left. No snow so I don't know exactly which way it came from. If it came from behind & crossed the road it should have smellt me & just left then. At least I think it would have happened that way.  :shrug:  Heck I'm just a wannabe yoter anywho.  :laf: :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11