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No yote, but a good hunt anyway

Started by msmith, January 09, 2009, 06:19:14 PM

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I had a little time off coming to me and the boss let me take it this afternoon. Well, the Big Dawg is in school so I can't take him out. Since he doesn't have an oHIo license, I figger I'll go over and do some scouting and cold calling, keeping what few WV spots I have, fresh for tomorrow when I can take him. One of my working cohorts caught wind of my plans and strikes up conversation with "I jumped some yotes out of their bed while deer hunting over there this year" HMMMM? So I ask him where and he gives me detail directions. With my new found information, I pack up the AR and e-caller, and make my way across the creek to the area he told me about.

I got out of the truck and headed down the main ridge. A quick wind check put the breeze directly in my face. A few hundred yards down, the ridge spit and I took the right hand fork putting the wind in my left ear. I found a  saddle, set the e-caller up and made my way cross wind from it about 60 yards. I called for about 5 minutes but didn't like the set up at all. It was took thick and I had to stand to see anything. This and I had the AR. So I shut down the caller and gave it about 10 minutes then packed up.

I moved about 500 yards on down the ridge, across a point and into another saddle. I looked over to my left and there was a nice bowl that I could see down about two flats. The wind was coming directly up the bowl and across the saddle. I hung the Fox Pro from a sapling then bent it over and put the Whirling Woodpecker on a limb. I let it back up and that put the decoy about 8 feet high. I then moved ahead to the edge of the saddle where I could overlook the bowl. I was about 50 or 60 yards from the caller.

I started out with a howl, then pup squeels, then went to a rabbit distress on low volume. I let this play for about a minute then muted it.  I waited about 5 and let out another howl, pup squeels, then went to some barks. About a minute later I seen it coming towards me on the second flat down and disappear in a draw right below me. Then here comes another one right behind it and it disappears in the same place.

OK, so now I got two yotes hung up about a hunderd yards away in a draw below me and I am shaking like a leaf. I wait for what seems like an eternity and shut the caller off to perhaps pique thier interest. I give it about a minute then do some pup squeels then back into the barks. Then here comes number 3 burnin' rubber to get here and it stops about a hunderd yards away. I get it in the scope and it disappears. I looked and it moved up the hil a ways and is fixated on the caller. I think by this time the Woodpecker is dead. By now I am close to peeing my pants but I manage to put the cross hairs low on the shoulder and dag gonnit, I get in a hurry and jerk the trigger.  :doh2:  :doh2:  :doh2: Yotes scatter, I hit the pup distress then give it about 10 minutes. I went down to check for hair, blood, the usual. Followed the tracks for about 200 yards to be sure.

So, three yotes, one shot, and all I got was a picture of the beginnig of a pee trail.  :laf:




Heck of a story and I enjoyed the picture of the pee.  I'm glad I'm not the only one to shake like a leaf and I'm glad you got out.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Sceert the pee out of him did you Mike?!?!   Great write up!  I plan to get my OH license soon.  Maybe we can get in osme stands!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Just to clarify, the pee is the yotes, not mine. It left a pee trail about 40 yards long.



 :yoyo:  Still one of the best highs you'll ever get!!  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


BoYeeeeee, seeing that reminded me of when my 6'2" 340lb step Dad used to rip off his belt and chase me. :huh:

So uh yah :eyebrownod: I can seriously relate to how scared the yote was :whew:

A triple uh? :yoyo: Ey, that's braggin rights :biggrin:
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I hope you collected that pee sample for use on another stand.......... :laf:
Sonds like a great time Mike! Loved the story.....Thanks for sharing it. :yoyo: :yoyo:


NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


 :doh2: Stay away from the yellow snow Mike!!  :roflmao:


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11
