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hunter harassment?

Started by bigben, January 29, 2009, 07:23:19 AM

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seen this on another site.  I doubt I woulda been this patient.  discuss. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.

Carolina Coyote

I think there is a lot of this going on and probably will get a lot worst, there needs to be some kind of retribution for these anti's, Like Bigben, I doubt I would be that patient.  :rolleye: cc


trappers get harassd,imo, way more than hunters.

alot of the times its the hunters doing the harassing.

we've had traps sprung and/or stolen on public land and on private land where we have permission.

its been by rabbit hunters, coon hunters and even duck hunters.

we've had our catches stloen in alot of cases as well.

people need to respect the outdoors and each others right legally to utilize the land.

if you go about your business hutning and or trapping and leave others to their legal business as well, everyone could get along and use the outdoors.

i know this was probably more about non- sportsman harassing hunters( i cant watch videos) but my experience has been way worse with hunters breaking the law and tampering with my sets than any non-sportsmen.

just had to vent on this one.


It seemed to me the hunter was on a cell phone. I hope it was to the local sheriff. "Anti's" can be arrested and or charged for harrassment when participating in these activities. No matter how satisfying it would be to leave a load of BB's in the chute or fan, The hunter did the right thing. Anytime "protesters" or "activists" presence interrupts a hunt, it is considered harrassment. Make the right call and call the authorities. The news clip on at 6pm will never be the jeering and taunting the anti's are doing. It will only be the frustrated hunter, blacking someones eye or bloodying a lip. Do not give them that advantage or ammunition. Play it smart and beat them at their own game.


Christian Outdoorsman. Certified Ohio Hunter Ed and Trapper Ed Instructor.


This makes me sick and brings a tear to my eye.  The people on the bull horn really  :argh: get me going.  Not sure how I would handle it, especially since I have my kids hunting with me 95% of the time.  I know I would have got some license plate numbers for sure, and in this town everyone knows everybody and someone would have spilled thier guts at the local bar  :wink: :innocentwhistle:


Well first off I totally understand two wrongs don't make a right, but if I was in the mood I'm in today, and they were doin it to me,
I'm quite sure I'd be goin to jail. The mother's gotta run outta gas some time! The intelligence of the comments that were comin
from the bull horns too.  :doh2:  Freakin pukes.  :argh:

Now if the civil side of me took over, it's definitely against the law here, and I'd make sure EVERY ONE that was involved would get
punished to the max of the law.


 :confused: hmmm reckon what the IQ is of someone harassing a knowingly armed man is. Right from the get go I'd say they already figured the hunter to be a bigger man than they are, or they wouldn't have messed with him. Shame he didn't have a shell with a little rock salt in it eh?
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


I wonder if a 12 gauge would take those lines out that he's hanging from? There's no way I would have been that patient.
And I agree, some of the stuff coming from the bullhorns was nothing short of adolescent. :rolleye:
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There is noway I would have taken any of that
I would have shot the sumbitch out of the air then headed for the folks with the big mouths,and when it went
to court I would plea insanity and there ain't anyone out there that could prove me wrong   :laf:

Yes I would be in jail but they would think twice before they done it again

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Wut a bunch of whackosssss.....I like how he flapped his arms on take off....becoming a blood flock member with the geese?....up here they take that stuff pretty serious id have been right on the phone calling a warden...they protect their lawful hunters cuz we pay their salaries :wink:...I havent ran into any stuff like that in the field too much....which im glad....cuz I got a big fist and a short temper.... :biggrin:...damn fools..if he crashed his gayjet flying device I would have laughed and drove off and left him there...maybe the geese would have rendered first aid to him? :yoyo:


I would end up all over the nightly news because I couldn't be that patient.


"Well you see officer the sun was in my eyes & as you can see I'm goose hunting. I just thought it was a 200 class Boone & Crockett Canadian Goose."


Laying back down in his blind and a sling shot comes to mind. Wonder how the guy in his flying machine would have liked a few good rocks on his back side. But honest officer the only thing I have to shoot him with is my firearm.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Now that's thinking! ^^^^^  :laf:


chunk a few globs of clay at his props and I am sure that will bring him down or atleast make him peg legged.  one time I seen in there the hunter moved so he wouldn't get hit.  I believe I woulda been saying honest officer I thought he was trying to hit me. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Grab his legs & see if his fake bird can carry another passenger.  :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


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