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Grandson Josh at it again!

Started by possumal, February 21, 2009, 04:54:03 PM

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Grandson Josh and his cousin, Jason, hunted at first light today down in Anderson County, Ky., with some really interesting details to the hunt.  The country they were hunting is pretty hilly with a lot of woods, and there are very few spots to set up right where you can watch downwind and see the yotes coming.  On their way in to one such spot, Josh spotted something odd looking down in an alfalfa bottom next to the creek.  He looked through his field glasses, and it was a black cow lying down trying to have a calf, with 5 coyotes giving her 40 kinds of problems.  It was way too far to shoot and it was barely breaking day.  Josh was anxious for Jason to kill one, as he has had his problems doing the dirty deed when they show up, so he led Jason to a vantage spot to see what they could get done.  The yotes were jumping over the cow, running past her, barking and raising hell, so they would never hold still for Jason to shoot.  So Josh told him he would woof at them and stop them, and for him to pick one out on the right side and Josh would pick one on the left, and they would do a countdown to three before shooting.  Well, a lot of us know that is tough going to accomplish, and as soon as Josh stopped them, Jason's gun goes boom with coyotes running in all directions. He forgot about the countdown (lol).  As usual, he was torn up by his mess up, but Josh told him to be cool.  He slipped out there about 25 yds and set up the FX-5 and then back to his seat. He waited about ten minutes, and turned on one of the sequences I put on his caller for him, Coyote Pack & Grey Fox, and immediately a nice male came streaking across the field and stopped right beside where the cow was having the calf.  It was about 180 yds, and Josh put a 39 grain Blitz King out of his 204 into his chest, DRT.  Never could get another one in for Jason, but he learned a lot about the whole problem Jason has been having. He gets all messed up like Josh used to before I got him converted, and he is pulling the trigger and looking up all at the same time, and we all know that won't get it done. He is a good shot on the bench, but he has got to learn to concentrate on making the kill and let Josh do the watching. Hopefully, he'll have some good luck next trip.  Here is a picture of the nice young male Josh put down.  He is really happy with the performance of the 39 grain Blitz King load I worked up for him, as he has shot 3 now using that load, and all DRT. The farmer will be happy too, because if Josh & Jason had not shown up there this morning, he'd be minus a calf and maybe even a cow.

Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff




You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


My heroes!  :congrats:  :congrats:  :congrats:

Just like in the movies. The cavalry shows up in the nick of time.  :yahoo:




I'm of the thinking that the young mn has it figured out now.  Tell him congats for me.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Sounds like you trained him well Al
Congrads Josh


Impressive!!  Where do I enroll in this program for coyote success?
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.

Hawks Feather

Mooo.  Which is cow talk for tell him thanks!
