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Questions about Wenge

Started by duckslayer, March 17, 2009, 08:40:14 AM

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I am having a real hard time with Wenge wood.  I have tried everything that I can but I can not get a smooth finish on this one call I made last time.  By this I mean, when I am turing it on the lathe, no matter what I do I get the little chip marks and when I try to get them out I just cut more wood which them ruined my call.  Then I figured I might as well finish anyway I sanded for over an hour.  But no matter what I did I could never get it smooth.  Not sure if I will ever use this wood again but I have a 3" piece left so I am going to give it one more shot.  Any help would be nice, because I have already waisted 6" of it and would like to get one call out of it.
" And have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heavens, and all animals that move upon the earth." Gen 1:28
" He was a mighty hunter before the Lord.  Therefore it is said, even as NIMROD the mighty hunter before the Lord." Gen 10:


Remember that post that mentioned some woods are more difficult to turn than others :innocentwhistle: You have just discovered one of those woods :eyebrownod: I haven't personally attempted to turn wenge due to the fact that I have heard of the difficulties others have had with it. I have just steered clear of it instead of creating a headache for myself.

I'm sure there is some way to turn it successfully, I'm assuming it would start with having xetra sharp tools and taking light cuts to get the call where you want it. Good luck.


Hawks Feather

Coulter hit it very well - VERY sharp tools are a must.  After that, I have had pretty good luck working it down the rest of the way with sand papers.  I usually start at 150 and work up to 600 grit. 



Just out of curiosity, what speed do you have your lathe on?



honestly, I have no idea :confused:  I left it at what it came from the factory.
" And have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heavens, and all animals that move upon the earth." Gen 1:28
" He was a mighty hunter before the Lord.  Therefore it is said, even as NIMROD the mighty hunter before the Lord." Gen 10:


For spindle turniing, ie. pens and calls up to 2 inches, I use the highest or next to highest speed. I believe on my Jet that is a little over 3k on highest and around 2600 on the next one. On turkey pots, 4", I use the one that is 12 something. I don't know ifi it would help, but if you're not turning around 3k you might try that.


Bills Custom Calls

I have turned to pieces of wenge that turned out real good
Like Jerry said Sharp tools and I will add Med speed I started sanding at 60 grit and went on up to 600

I used alcohol on every step of sanding up to 320 then in between the next steps I put Super glue on and sand it off 320 400 500 600
Then my finish is just wipe the super glue on as smooth as possible then after it dries I used 0000 steel wool and
It should be done
Lets see if I can find a pic

Not tootin my own horn just showing you it can be done

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


holy crap Bill... they're fine ...fine ... fine  :yoyo:

Bills Custom Calls

Thanks Vic Lets remeber who's topic this is  :laf:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Well it is no where as good as your calls Mr. Bill but I gave it a shot today.  It came out a lot better then the other ones, which I will never show anyone.  But I do have another question.  For the guys that use DEFT, I am having trouble with it turning out with that glass like finish that yalls calls have.  Any hints would be nice.

" And have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heavens, and all animals that move upon the earth." Gen 1:28
" He was a mighty hunter before the Lord.  Therefore it is said, even as NIMROD the mighty hunter before the Lord." Gen 10:

Bills Custom Calls

Those little chips I see in your call can be sanded out with 60 grit sand paper
it takes a little bit to sand the call but it makes it all worth the while in the end

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call